Last Call with Lorrie and Stan
Mentoring is the fastest way to get good at anything!
What Are Others Saying About John Carlton and This Simple Writing System?
Before the SWS, I THOUGHT my copywriting was pretty dang good...
In reality, my copy was lackluster, WAAAY overwritten, and often sloppy.
The SWS quickly changed all of that.
If you're serious about kicking up your copy-chops to the next level... faster than you could imagine was even possible... I think you'd be CRAZY not to jump at the chance to work with John in his Simple Writing System.
Before The Simple Writing System, I would mentally panic before ANY and EVERY copy project. Why? Because I didn't know HOW to start or what to actually do. It overwhelmed me... because there were a million different things I could do. I wasted TONS of time and mental energy just trying to "figure it out".
I was always nervous talking to clients because, while I had a general idea of what to do, I didn't TRULY know.
When I heard John say the SWS was his PERSONAL approach to writing copy and the ONLY system you'll ever need for the rest of your life, I was 100% sold.
I committed to using the SWS approach... to selectively IGNORE any other blog post, copywriting course, or "guru" and focus SOLELY on what SWS taught – I'm proud to say this was definitely the best decision I made.
After just 3 weeks of SWS, I started approaching EVERY copy project the same exact way... and it completely eliminated that pre-project resistance that kept me procrastinating.
My clients noticed the quality of my copy JUMP to new levels. I even had a call with one of the BIGGEST names I had ever talked to about potentially working together. The confidence the SWS approach gave me on that call allowed me to land the client. He went on to say out of what seemed like +100 writers he's worked with, I was the best.
After just 6 months of starting my freelance career, I'm now traveling parts of the world while serving a small handful of satisfied clients... and I give all the credit to John Carlton and the SWS.
John Carlton is a world-class copywriter, teacher, and trainer.
He doesn't just tell you how to do it. He doesn't just show you how to do it. He involves you so you learn and you burn those ideas into your mind so that you pick up his strategies and techniques... and the way to apply the psychology of world-class copy.
Most copywriters just write about writing copy. John shows you how to get deep... How to bury your mind into the mind of your prospect.
I want to thank John Carlton from the bottom of my heart. I give John my highest endorsement.
"Hi. As I write this I'm richer than I ever thought I'd be, happier than I have any right to be . . . and have somehow become one of those "famous" copywriters who gets talked about on message boards, who's building a information business of my own that should hit 7-figures next year, and who's every letter and sales video gets mercilessly ripped off.
And it’s all John Carlton's fault."
[Disclosure: Chris's business did hit 7-figures. He's been a trusted associate for many years as well as a Simple Writing System instructor.]
"Great copywriters are proven because consumers vote with their money. That's why guys like John Carlton are so expensive, and so valuable. This is seriously important information for your business. There are only a handful of writers in John's league. I read his book as soon as I got my hands on it."
"I study Carlton's copy like a 14 year-old boy reads Playboy. Completely dazzled, entranced and full of desire. I've read hundreds of books on marketing and copywriting and make my living with it... so I know how to separate the wheat from the chaff in this business. Every time I think I've hit the nail on the head with my copy, I read one of John's letters and realize how much farther I could go. Ouch... it hurts to say that... but it's true."
"Two months ago I had little hope of making it in this business. Now, after taking John's specific advice, I'm quitting my day job and doing this full time."
"Studying John Carlton's writing, and adapting it to Japanese culture, has allowed me to dominate an entire Asian market. It's just unbelievable what you can do when you learn what's in John's amazing bag of tricks."
"Phenomenal content. Of all the marketing, advertising and copywriting experts I pay attention to, John Carlton is by far the most articulate and passionate and knowledgeable (and funny). I get more value just from your hilarious, ballsy stories alone than from the serious efforts of most other gurus. Man, you've helped my advertising get wicked-good."
[Full Disclosure: Joe has been a trusted colleague for many years.]
I’ve got to say, this SWS stuff is lightning in a bottle! I never even knew this world existed a year ago. I feel like I’m walking with giants! THANK YOU!
I am a resume writer. I connect with most of my clients through LinkedIn ProFinder.
For years, a typical reply from prospects was something like, "Your proposal is not suitable for me."
Since applying what I learned in The Simple Writing System Coaching Program to my copy, I have received ZERO responses like this.
I now understand exactly how to communicate with my prospects!
I'm (obviously) not closing everyone. Still, I see my conversion rates go up and up as I apply more techniques from the SWS.
Thank you, John & Colin.
Was the SWS a life-changing experience? You better believe it!
Unlike some students in my SWS class, I was not an experienced marketer or sales copywriter. I had written three or four websites, but the two existing ones were not converting and I was at a loss as to how to make them generate income. I wrote good articles, judging by the comments and emails we received, and we had created a useful product, but we weren’t selling.
As I worked through the lessons of the SWS, with John’s probing guidance, all that changed. I learned about the different elements that have to be part of a sales message – long or short – and my writing style began to change. I began to choose words differently and work harder to find compelling language.
More importantly, my thinking changed. I began to think like a marketer who is communicating valuable information to persuade my prospect into buying, instead of an ignoramus blindly hoping to capture a few sales.
John has a saying. "If you have a good product, shame on you if you don’t do everything possible to get it to the people who need it."
That puts a whole different perspective on things, doesn’t it? The SWS makes it clear that it’s your responsibility to reach out to your prospect successfully, and shows you exactly how to do that.
The course is structured in bite-sized steps to lead you through the process of creating an effective sales message, so you have a chance to think through and work with each crucial aspect. At each step, John’s incisive "tough love" feedback showed me where I could improve, when I needed to work harder to really get the lesson, and when I was actually writing well!
I also learned enormously from reading the other students’ posts and the input they received from our coach. The synergy of working in the classroom structure was so powerful, I know it has moved me forward by a quantum leap. My brain is bursting now with new ideas for products and sales messages that I can feature on our sites.
Finally, I understand the process of creating a sales message, so I know what I'm doing instead of fumbling around in the dark, hoping to luck into a good result.
When you are able to rely on tested sales concepts assembled by a pro from his many years of highly-successful copywriting, you have an unfair advantage you won’t find anywhere else. I know... I’ve looked. I've taken courses with some of the most prominent internet marketers and there is nothing with the clarity, simplicity, and focus of the SWS out there. Nothing.
This level of instruction – making the copywriting process 'simple' for the student - can only be achieved by a master writer who has spent years honing his chops to the point where he can teach you exactly how to put your own powerful, dollar-pulling sales message together.
Simple Writing System, and John Carlton's ferocious coaching, has been the best copywriting education investment I've ever made.
Before, I knew of the parts of the sales letter, but didn't know how to make each element sing with persuasion. Now, I know how to dig deeper into the minds of my prospects, how to use empathy, and how to assemble and write a great sales letter.
I'm grateful for the Simple Writing System and John's coaching because I wouldn't have known how to fully execute all these principles on my own. I now have a reliable system I can use again and again to consistently turn out amazing copy. Thank you!
Before The Simple Writing System, I would mentally panic before ANY and EVERY copy project. Why? Because I didn't know HOW to start or what to actually do. It overwhelmed me... because there were a million different things I could do. I wasted TONS of time and mental energy just trying to "figure it out".
I was always nervous talking to clients because, while I had a general idea of what to do, I didn't TRULY know.
When I heard John say the SWS was his PERSONAL approach to writing copy and the ONLY system you'll ever need for the rest of your life, I was 100% sold.
I committed to using the SWS approach... to selectively IGNORE any other blog post, copywriting course, or "guru" and focus SOLELY on what SWS taught – I'm proud to say this was definitely the best decision I made.
After just 3 weeks of SWS, I started approaching EVERY copy project the same exact way... and it completely eliminated that pre-project resistance that kept me procrastinating.
My clients noticed the quality of my copy JUMP to new levels. I even had a call with one of the BIGGEST names I had ever talked to about potentially working together. The confidence the SWS approach gave me on that call allowed me to land the client. He went on to say out of what seemed like +100 writers he's worked with, I was the best.
After just 6 months of starting my freelance career, I'm now traveling parts of the world while serving a small handful of satisfied clients... and I give all the credit to John Carlton and the SWS.
"Great copywriters are proven because consumers vote with their money. That's why guys like John Carlton are so expensive, and so valuable. This is seriously important information for your business. There are only a handful of writers in John's league. I read his book as soon as I got my hands on it."
"Two months ago I had little hope of making it in this business. Now, after taking John's specific advice, I'm quitting my day job and doing this full time."
12 sales in 22 hours on a $4000 offer!!
I was inspired by The Simple Writing System lesson on "Turbulence."
I went through it carefully (and poured over John's Power Words Report) before crafting the final call to action.
I made at least a dozen edits. Kept reading it aloud.
I was still nervous. A little unsure. So I sent the email to just part of my list.
12 sales in 22 hours on a $4000 offer!! (The entire trip sold out in a week.)
I couldn't believe it!
As the bookings came in, literally everyone said words to the effect of, "Bloody hell Paul, I wouldn't miss that for the world!"
"Turbulence" really worked!
Thanks, John!
"The course is great, but coaching is life changing."
I’ve spent $8,000 trying to be a better copywriter. A big chunk of change for me. I could have saved BIG $$$ and time taking this course first.
John’s methodical Simple Writing System process made the "why" behind writing much clearer. It was a brilliant journey into my prospect's head and into my market.
The writing and coaching expertise of my SWS Coach, Colin, is off the charts. (Rob a dang liquor store if you must find the cash, but get coaching!!). He was accessible, smart and funny.
Whenever I thought I had something down, sure as sh!t about what I wrote, he would guide me to make it even better.
I finally feel confident, locked and loaded, and ready to make the jump to writing persuasively for the rest of my life.
Before going through the SWS Coaching Program, I'd read a bunch of books on copywriting, had some training, and felt like I knew more than 'the basics'.
Like many eager copywriters, I'd get excited about reading a new sales, psychology, or advertising book...
...but when finished, I'd just jump to the next book. The information didn't stick because there was no clear path to apply it.
For these reasons, I was skeptical about what else I could learn from another course.
Within the first couple weeks of class I knew The SWS Coaching Program was sparking a visceral change within me.
Through the daily coaching, feedback, and course materials in SWS I could practice John's system right away, learn what needed to be improved, and continue applying the material until I proved to myself and to my coach that I understood the material.
John somehow infused a deep understanding of salesmanship psychology in me, unlike anything I've ever experienced.
Now, I'm significantly more confident with my copywriting and consulting. (Oddly enough, it's given me more confidence in my personal life too.)
I see why John and his team charge premium prices - the value in coaching someone to fundamentally change their attitude, confidence, and writing abilities is truly priceless, considering the doors it opens in life and business.
Just the other day I sent a proposal off for over $20,000 without batting an eye or second guessing my value. The bottom line is confidence sells and the SWS is the best investment I've made to build the kind of confidence that's real and based on my skills.
P.S. I got the $20,000 job!!
I spent 8 weeks under John Carlton's torturous coaching in the SWS Coaching Program... and all I got from it was a quadrupled income. (And better sex, a perfect golf swing, the ability to use military combat strategies to steal rubber guns from unsuspecting assailants...) PLUS: Agora flying me to Baltimore in 2 weeks to talk about a writing job.
John Carlton is a world-class copywriter, teacher, and trainer.
He doesn't just tell you how to do it. He doesn't just show you how to do it. He involves you so you learn and you burn those ideas into your mind so that you pick up his strategies and techniques... and the way to apply the psychology of world-class copy.
Most copywriters just write about writing copy. John shows you how to get deep... How to bury your mind into the mind of your prospect.
I want to thank John Carlton from the bottom of my heart. I give John my highest endorsement.
"I study Carlton's copy like a 14 year-old boy reads Playboy. Completely dazzled, entranced and full of desire. I've read hundreds of books on marketing and copywriting and make my living with it... so I know how to separate the wheat from the chaff in this business. Every time I think I've hit the nail on the head with my copy, I read one of John's letters and realize how much farther I could go. Ouch... it hurts to say that... but it's true."
If you have to pick just one resource for learning copy, The Simple Writing System is it.
I read all the copy books, yet I was still frozen by performance anxiety every time I sat down to write.
Now that I'm better at research and understanding my avatar, writing is so much easier and faster. The research lessons alone were worth the price, because they got me inside the prospect's brain in a way no other book or course was able to.
I appreciate how you guys broke down the entire writing process step by step.
Good writing isn't a fluke, it's a formula. (And I don't mean those B.S. formulas you see out there for how to write a sales page).
The SWS taught me the nuts and bolts of crafting a killer sales argument are deeper than just hooks and headlines. And good luck finding material out there that explains all of this in a way practical and down to earth like it's done in the SWS.
Definitely glad I chose the private coaching option, too. Colin gives the best insights, took the SWS lessons to another level, and gently redirected me when I missed something. At least 80% of the value I got from SWS came from the private coaching. My only regret is that I didn't find you years earlier.
Before the SWS, I THOUGHT my copywriting was pretty dang good...
In reality, my copy was lackluster, WAAAY overwritten, and often sloppy.
The SWS quickly changed all of that.
After 8 intense weeks of John Carlton tearing my copy to shreds, I discovered how to write tight, persuasive copy -- which reads like a fast ride down a roller-coaster -- and finally obliterated the "copy wrecking" head-trash that had been holding me back.
Mentoring under John Carlton has been a total game-changer for me. Behind his grizzled exterior, and tough-lovin' advice, John really gives a damn about ensuring the writers in his SWS make genuine breakthroughs.
If you're serious about kicking up your copy-chops to the next level... faster than you could imagine was even possible... I think you'd be CRAZY not to jump at the chance to work with John in his Simple Writing System.
I was made redundant from my job the day after I signed up for Simple Writing System with John - and it's the best thing that ever happened to me.
Within a few days of taking this course, it was clear I never had to apply for another 9-5 position again.
After the SWS and John's coaching (and sometimes... outright slaps upside the head), I've now got the tools to write a winning sales message ingrained in me.
Success in my freelance copywriting career - and happiness in life - will all come back to what I learned from John.
That's not an overstatement... there's a reason he's referred to as "the best copywriting teacher on the planet."
I immediately started putting what I learned into practice, earning thousands of dollars before I was even finished the course.
The price of entry is literally a bargain for the transformation that will occur in your writing and business.
If you're serious about taking your copywriting skills up to the level of "scary good", I can't recommend the Simple Writing System Coaching Program enough.
"Hi. As I write this I'm richer than I ever thought I'd be, happier than I have any right to be . . . and have somehow become one of those "famous" copywriters who gets talked about on message boards, who's building a information business of my own that should hit 7-figures next year, and who's every letter and sales video gets mercilessly ripped off.
And it’s all John Carlton's fault."
[Disclosure: Chris's business did hit 7-figures. He's been a trusted associate for many years as well as a Simple Writing System instructor.]
"Forget College -- Study John's Advice"
"What I learned in an afternoon from John allowed me to earn more money than did my entire college education. I can't tell you how dramatically this has changed my life! My ads now cook and pull like crazy."
[Full Disclosure: James is a partner at a former client of mine, and he's gotten so good that I've both hired him to write for my business, and asked him to be a teacher in the Simple Writing System Coaching Program.]."
I was a former dead-broke comedian with a few sales letters under my belt when I discovered Carlton's teaching. John's coaching and the SWS are responsible for millions of dollars in revenue to my business. Even more crucial is the CONFIDENCE I gained as a salesman in print. SWS is like injecting persuasion into your brain and feeling it shoot from your fingertips.
The testimonials and case studies on this website are, to the best of our ability to determine, all true and accurate. They were provided willingly, without any compensation offered in return. These testimonials and case studies do not represent typical or average results. Most customers do not contact us or offer to share their results, nor are they required or expected to. Therefore, we have no way to determine what typical or average results have been. Many people do not implement anything we teach them. We can't make anyone follow our advice, and we obviously can't promise that our advice, as interpreted and implemented by everyone, is going to achieve for everyone the kinds of results it's helped the folks on this page achieve. The income statements and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, marketing background, product, effort and motivation to work and follow recommendations. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital.
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