Never Again Struggle to Write an Ad... a Sales Video Script... or an Email to Your List ...

Presented by

John Carlton

John is known as “the most ripped-off writer on the Web” and “the most respected writing teacher alive”. The list of well-known marketers who freely reference John as their primary mentor for writing sales messages is staggering.




  • Get inside the heads of people who are desperately looking for your product or service. It's not mind reading, but it's pretty close.
  • Clearly and quickly explain the value of what you deliver without being “creepy” or “salesy”.  I've got a simple formula that will instantly grab your prospect's undivided attention. You will copy and use this formula over and over again.
  • Close more sales using my proven "Provide More Value" technique. There's no need for high-pressure sales tactics once you know this strategy.

TODAY: Register now to get a downloadable PDF of the SWS Express Course.

TOMORROW: You will receive a training video of John Carlton teaching the SWS Express Course.

Hi... I'm John Carlton.

For many years now, I’ve been teaching people with absolutely zero advertising or marketing experience (not to mention a fear of trying to write anything) how to create their very first ad that actually works.

Sales pages... landing pages... video scripts... Facebook ads... blog posts that get people to opt-in to your list or buy your stuff... doesn't matter.

If you give me just a few minutes of your time over the next few days, you're going to be "armed to the teeth" with the know-how to quickly produce the best ad you've ever written.

An ad that will turn reluctant looky-loo’s into paying customers.

Writing a good ad isn't rocket science.

Like almost everything, if you take a bit of time to learn a few simple and proven secrets, everything else is just ridiculously easy.

Sign up below, and I'll teach you step-by-step, repeatable tactics that are in the Bag of Tricks of every world-class marketer and copywriter.

EXTRA BONUS: This training also shows you how to eliminate "writer's block". Rookie marketers sometimes spend hours staring at a blank screen, without a clue how to even begin their ad.

Let me teach you tactics that will scoot you right past your fear, uncertainty, and maybe even tiny panic attacks that set in every time you even think about creating an ad.

I've got a blueprint for beginning (and finishing) an ad that could be that one thing that transforms your business and your life.

What Are Others Saying About John Carlton and The Simple Writing System?

Craig ClemensCraig ClemensNew York, NY

Thanks For Giving Me A Better Life

"Since 2005, your simple writing strategies have earned me and my clients millions. It all began when Eben Pagan shoved a copy of your course into my hands and said "Study every word and then write me some copy!" I was hooked, and got my hands on everything you produced.

My career as a copywriter has flourished since then, because you helped me understand the psychology behind a great sales message. In fact, just last month I booked a project that brought me a fat $15,000 (plus 5% of the gross sales in royalties)... and it took me just one week of work.

The beauty of writing sales copy is that it's not the writing that brings in the money... it's the knowledge of what to write about to get people to buy. And there is no one on earth who knows this -- and can teach it so you "get it" quickly -- better than John Carlton. Thanks, John, for giving me a better life."


100% Right With Just A Glance

"It's scary how exactly on target you were with your advice based on reading just a few pages of our sales letter. You were 100% right. We've now made over 1,000 sales, captured wonderful customer feedback (as you advised), and are establishing national distribution."

Bernadette DoyleBernadette

"THANKS! I got a quick ROI on this and my bullet writing is transformed forever. Very happy student here. Apart from the excellent content, you structured it so I actually worked through and applied the content. It's so easy to let books and programs gather dust - you made this really usable and I've benefited as a result."

Michael NormanAustralia

Free Money!

"Amazing! My web site conversion rate has nearly DOUBLED, just from what you've taught me. And guess what? Also following your advice, I tested a much higher price... and the conversion rate was not affected at all. That's FREE MONEY without any extra work! You were right, John."

Lisa WagnerLisa

Tripled Response!

"You know that new 'hook' you insisted I try in my sales pitch? It TRIPLED response! This translates into several hundred thousand dollars in sales over the coming year. You are on my Christmas gift list for life, dude."

John LaneJohn

30% Boost In Conversions

"I have been using some of the things John teaches in our email campaigns for our free workshop and our attendance each week has gone up by about 40%. I also used some of his suggestions in the power point for the free workshop and our conversion rate to the paid workshop has increased by about 30%. We were converting about 5% to a $1,297 workshop, now we are just under 7% conversion.

Kevin Hill

$340,000 in 7 Days

"I started working for internet marketer Russell Brunson as a full-time copywriter and had only written a handful of letters up until that point. He asked me to write a sales letter for our 12-Month Internet Millionaire launch -- my first major launch. I was a little nerved up and repeatedly referred to John's course for guidance while writing the letter. Thanks to implementing the quick-start copywriting secrets John revealed in his course, the letter ended up pulling in $340,000 in 7 days.

If you remotely care about becoming a better copywriter and marketer, you need to get your hands on John's materials before your competition does."

Dritan BashaDritan

I was terrified to even think that I had to write my own sales copy.

SWS Coaching program was the missing link between all my efforts and the results I was hoping to get from my website.

Before taking this coaching I was terrified to even think that I had to write my own sales copy, my own emails, video script or a blog post where I had to present something and hope to convince the reader to buy what I had to sell.

Add to this the fact that I am not a native English speaker and I will let you do the math...

The result of taking this coaching: I crafted my own sales letter (under the careful guidance of the coaches).

I am much more clear about the sales process of my products.

I now have a blueprint of how to craft my emails (a big component of my marketing funnel).

But above everything else, all my fears for not being able to write a well-crafted sales letter disappeared and my confidence skyrocketed.

Thanks for putting together this great coaching!

Andreea GradAndreea GradPortland, Oregon

30% more business in the last few months!

"What I learned in the Simple Writing System will help me build multiple streams of profits for years to come. I now feel I can truly make more money, create products that sell and attract more clients for my growing business. In fact, I can write my own ads which have brought in 30% more business locally in the last few months. I am so grateful for it. Thank you from my heart."

Victor ChengVictor ChengTaipei, Taiwan

When I started the SWS Coaching Program, I was a copywriting rookie.

At first look, the 18-steps program layout did not seem all that "simple."

However, once I got into it, I quickly understood why the program is structured the way it is. It made me focus on "one step at a time."

I trusted the system and followed my coach's guidance. Eight weeks later, I graduated with my new "killer" communication and persuasion skills.

Communication is always going to be the skill we use most often. The SWS program taught me the secrets of effective communication. I'll use that every day in business and life.

Jimmy ParentJimmy ParentBaltimore, MD

I spent 8 weeks under John Carlton's torturous coaching in the SWS Coaching Program... and all I got from it was a quadrupled income. (And better sex, a perfect golf swing, the ability to use military combat strategies to steal rubber guns from unsuspecting assailants...) PLUS: Agora flying me to Baltimore in 2 weeks to talk about a writing job.

Rich SchefrenRich

$287,000 The First Week!

"After listening to John for less than an hour, my mind caught fire and everything fell into place. I immediately produced my first sales letter ever... and it brought in $287,000 the first week! You can bet I seek out his advice every time I make a major business decision."

Otto TrommOtto Tromm

3 Times ROI With New Skills

"I just sold my most expensive screen ever. And, it was due to HOW I sold it with copy skills. Why am I so sure: - it was to a new customer - in a country where people are known for their fondness of bargain hunting - I am sure we had the most expensive offer (competitors offer a similar size screen at a third of the price) - it was the first time that such a screen was sold from a web inquiry. Wanna know how expensive the screen was? 25,000 euro (or about 35K in US$) without shipping or installation.

So thanks guys (David and John), I just made my investment in the Simple Writing System back 3 times on this order alone."

Sean QuinnSean Quinn

"In Northern Ireland, bricks and mortar businesses are beginning to realize they need to evolve. So I'm writing their sales and marketing funnels, from opt-in video scripts, free reports, direct response letters, to posts and emails for nurturing campaigns.

Good copy and sales funnels are a whole new concept to almost all of them, which gives me an endless stream of prospects.

At last it's paying off.

The Simple Writing System Coaching (and persistence) has given me the advantage over other copywriters, but I keep cool, and stay modest.

What I've learned from you means I know how to can help clients in almost any industry.

My thanks to you and John."

Gary HalbertGary

"John is the first guy I call when I have a marketing problem."

"His insights and marketing prowess are unparalleled among the working advertising experts I know... and I know them all. The money available, when you learn what insiders like John has to share, is just insane. In my book, there is John... and no one else is even close."


"Before SWS I was hesitant about writing a sales letter because I had no one with marketing knowledge that could give me feedback. Now I have a system. Thanks SWS crew!"

Chris MilkieMilwaukee, WI

In the middle of the SWS I reinvented an ad for a weight loss biz and the phones went from lukewarm to SIZZLIN’.

Thank you John!!

James CurleyJames CurleyOHP Golf

"Forget College -- Study John's Advice"

"What I learned in an afternoon from John allowed me to earn more money than did my entire college education. I can't tell you how dramatically this has changed my life! My ads now cook and pull like crazy."

[Full Disclosure: James is a partner at a former client of mine, and he's gotten so good that I've both hired him to write for my business, and asked him to be a teacher in the Simple Writing System Coaching Program.]."

Frank KernFrank Kern

"When John talks about changing your life, he's not kidding around."

"Just before the famous StomperNet launch, everything was in doubt. We cornered John for advice, and in just a few minutes he provided such clarity that the fog melted away... and I was finally able to write the pitch that made Internet marketing history, with record results.

That's twice he's helped me -- long ago, when I was broke, clueless and desperate, I somehow found John's 'Kick Ass' course... and halfway through, a calm confidence came over me. I told my wife that everything was going to be all right, because this really made sense. When John talks about changing your life, he's not kidding around."

[Full Disclosure: We received this quote from Frank before he was "the Frank Kern", the well-known marketing expert. I had yet to meet him when he first bought and read my course. We are now colleagues and recommend each other's materials.]

Before the SWS, I THOUGHT my copywriting was pretty dang good...

In reality, my copy was lackluster, WAAAY overwritten, and often sloppy.

The SWS quickly changed all of that.

After 8 intense weeks of John Carlton tearing my copy to shreds, I discovered how to write tight, persuasive copy -- which reads like a fast ride down a roller-coaster -- and finally obliterated the "copy wrecking" head-trash that had been holding me back.

Mentoring under John Carlton has been a total game-changer for me. Behind his grizzled exterior, and tough-lovin' advice, John really gives a damn about ensuring the writers in his SWS make genuine breakthroughs.

If you're serious about kicking up your copy-chops to the next level... faster than you could imagine was even possible... I think you'd be CRAZY not to jump at the chance to work with John in his Simple Writing System.
