Exciting news for attendees of Dan Kennedy's “Mid Year Ultimate Marketing Plan Event”…

Now you can get all of my life-changing secrets… 

My entire "Nothing-Held-Back"  formula

that made me one of the most sought after and highly-paid copywriters in the world...

Hi, John Carlton here.

If you were part of Dan Kennedy’s Mid Year Magnetic Marketing Event, then you know I delivered my LAST speech -- at any marketing event -- in person or virtual -- ever.

From now on, I’m scaling way back... But don’t think it’s the end, because it’s not.  Not by a long shot.

I’ll still be kicking around writing copy and consulting for a few select clients.

And of course, I’ll still be teaching others how to write copy that slays.  I can’t help myself.  Teaching is in my blood.

Since you attended Dan’s event and signed up for my “Pint of Beer Ad Writing Challenge,” I want to give you something extra special.

First, I’ll show you how you can get your hands on ALL of my copywriting secrets...  

I'm talking about every process, every single step, and every technique that made me one of the most respected copywriters in the world.  You'll have everything you need to create massively successful ads from now on.

Plus, since you attended Dan's event, you have a rare and valuable opportunity:

I'll soon be hosting an "Ask me Anything" Zoom call with a very small, intimate group where I'll show each member how to make more money from their marketing.  In a moment, I'll give you all the details and let you know how you can join us.

First, let me tell you more about my tested and proven formula:

The Simple Writing System is my life’s work… in 18 steps.

It’s also the secret I've used to bring wealth to me, my clients... as well as thousands of freelancers and high-producing business owners who have wisely taken the time to learn my system.

Over the last 30 years, I’ve created some of the most successful and legendary ads, websites and sales messages in advertising history.

I started with nothing — no mentors, no business experience, no investment capital, and no idea at all how to start.

I figured it all out by making every mistake in the book and learning my lessons the hard way.

My decades-long “school of hard knocks” included working with and for the legendary Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, and Dan Kennedy…

… and writing ads for some of the world’s largest and most successful direct response marketing companies, including Agora and Rodale.

So when I gained a reputation as one of the hottest advertising writers in the world, it was because I earned it.

And you know what? While I was figuring out how to create famous ads and make people rich through killer sales messages…

I also discovered a simple way to teach others how to do the same thing for themselves.

For about 20 years now, I’ve been teaching rookies, entrepreneurs and veteran business owners the stunning shortcuts to finally create everything needed to persuade prospects to pay attention to you, and to buy what you offer.

My students and clients include many of the top marketers online who are now household names… including many of the more well-known “gurus” out there.

If you take a quick look at the Wall of Testimonials (on the bottom of this page), you’ll see famous marketers freely giving me credit for helping them.

I have taught some of the most stubborn and hard-to-coach people you can imagine… and transformed them from struggling to make sales… into cash-generating powerhouses.

Today, I'd love to help you...

… like I’ve helped thousands of others… by teaching you my very straightforward, very simple step-by-step formula.

This formula will transform you and your business.

Soon, you'll be able to write every sales message you’ll ever need to make your business cook on high heat, quickly and easily.

I’m not just talking about the building blocks of a good sales message. I’m talking about EVERYTHING you need to create absolutely killer marketing materials that attract prospects in droves…

… and expertly persuade them to buy from you.

This includes all your websites, all your ads, all your emails, all your videos…

… everything that presents your sales message.

Why do I call it The Simple Writing System?


  • It truly is simple. You learn fast by watching super-targeted videos and doing short, fun, easy-to-understand exercises.
  • It burns into your brain the powerful skills behind knowing exactly how to create all your sales messages (and no, you don’t have to possess ANY writing skills at all right now).
  • It really is a versatile, fluid system (as in you’ll be able to use it over and over and over again). No matter if you’re a successful entrepreneur, budding business owner, or even a raw rookie marketer or copywriter.
  • To make absolutely sure you learn everything I know about creating winning ads… I've provided a slew of examples from some of my most famous controls, as well as every formula, template and shortcut in my toolkit. 

The Simple Writing System is the most thorough learning process ever created for teaching every level of student, from rookie to veteran business owner.

It gives you all the tools you need to create every sales message required in your business.

There’s no other program like it anywhere.

It is a proven formula…

… perfected over the past 9 years by training over 1,000 students…

… that you can go through at your own pace…

… in your spare time (evenings, weekends, lunch hours)…

… and — maybe best of all — you’ll use the learning style that works best for you.

Let me tell you how the Simple Writing System works, and what happens immediately when you sign up today:

As soon as you sign up for the SWS, we’ll give you instant access to the training videos. This means you can get started writing better ads today.

All of the SWS Video Lessons are available online, so you’ll be able to watch any time you want… as many times as you want… from any Internet-connected device. You’ll never have to be anywhere or be online at any particular time.

There are 18 Video Lessons

Each lesson is designed to deliver one single key element of the process behind creating your own killer sales messages.

So everything is really easy to understand, and easy to adopt.

You'll move quickly toward a total understanding and mastery of the sales-message-writing process.

You can see and feel your progress, too…

… as everything stops being mysterious… and starts becoming a comfortable, confident part of your skills toolkit.

I'll break down the exact process I use to craft winning sales messages.

I'll explain how and why you'll use each of my steps in your sales letters, videos, and ads.

I'll show you examples of winning ads, many of which ran successfully for years. (You'll be getting the full version of all of these ads. More on that below...)

There are no live webinars or calls you need to schedule your life around. No deadline for meeting any specific task. No “falling behind”, because everyone goes at their own pace.

All of the lessons, exercises, and bonuses are there waiting for you, 24 hours a day.

You'll learn to write sales copy by writing sales copy.

Each lesson gives you a chance to put your new skills to work by providing a short, fun, laser-focused exercise. These exercises show you exactly how to bring what you learned in the video to life.

Do these exercises (which I strongly recommend, but of course that's up to you)...

... and then include your new killer copy in your current website, emails, Facebook ads, etc. and you can start closing more sales almost immediately.

Your notes are already done for you.

John Carltons' Simple Writing System Workbook

As soon as you sign up, we’ll rush ship you a comprehensive workbook that contains all the notes from the slides used in the videos and all the exercises written out (so you’ll have them on video AND in this easy-to-read format).

PLUS — and this is a BIG plus — the workbook is also loaded with the FULL version of every proven ad I use in the videos… so you can see exactly how each step fits into real-world marketing. There’s no theory here. It’s all hard-core reality-based info. (Most of these ads are mine, including my most sought-after stuff.)

That means this workbook (over 300 pages deep) is a fire-breathing SWIPE FILE of the best ads you’ll ever lay your hands on… to copy, to use for inspiration, to rip from and use as blueprints.

In short...

… this system is a concise, packed-solid “One Stop Resource” for helping you write everything you’ll ever need to make your business kick some serious bottom-line butt.

But wait…

… there’s more.

I've got a pile of extra bonuses for you.

Lifetime Video Access

If you order today... I'll give you lifetime access to the entire SWS Video Library… all 18 lessons.

This means that as long as you can get online… from any device… you’ll be able to treat yourself to a quick review or brush-up.

Whenever it’s time to create your next ad or campaign… in a few months or a few years… the SWS Videos will be there to remind you exactly how to craft a winner.

A Lifetime of Advanced “How To Apply The SWS” Training Programs

The fundamentals you’ll learn from me can be applied to everything you need to make your biz successful… without exception. That’s always been the case.

However, because past students requested more detail about these specific uses of the SWS, we’ll be creating a series of bonus tutorials that will show you exactly how to apply your new killer salesmanship skills to pretty much every aspect of online and offline marketing.

We’ll be adding these tutorials and others to the SWS Library over the next several months. As we do, you’ll get access to all of them… PLUS all updates and new bonuses as we add them in the years to come….

… for FREE.

You’ll get The Simple Writing System For:

  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Video Marketing (YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, DailyMotion, etc.)
  • Paid Advertising (AdWords and other ad networks)
  • Webinars
  • Opt-In Pages (so you’ll capture more qualified leads)
  • Video Sales Letters (VSLs)
  • Email Marketing (to warm up and close your best prospects)
  • Online Retail (Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc.)
  • Blogging & Content Marketing
  • Direct Mail
  • And whatever new and profitable platforms come along next… we’ll keep adding new bonus training modules to the SWS member’s area… and you’ll get access to all of them (on top of your lifetime access to all of the SWS Training Videos.)

Bonus #3:
The Best of SWS Coaching

Over the years, the Simple Writing System faculty has included several of the most famous and notoriously-successful professional copywriters in marketing.

Like David Deutsch… one of the highest paid “A-List” copywriters in the game (who has written controls for the largest direct mail companies in the world).

And Kevin Rogers… the writer behind the most outrageously successful launch campaigns in Clickbank and the founder of Copy Chief.

And David Garfinkel... the author of #1 Amazon bestseller Breakthrough Copywriting and the host of the Copywriters Podcast.

And Lorrie Morgan… who has been a dominant female freelance copywriter for many years.

And Chris Haddad… whose selling prowess has landed him on the Rachael Ray television show.

And “Million Dollar” Mike Morgan... whose copy has sold over $300,000,000 in goods and services, including multiple controls for Agora, the billion-dollar direct-response marketing behemoth.

And Dr Harlan Kilstein… who has been a highly-paid and much sought-after pioneer in Internet marketing for dozens of niches.

The faculty has, in fact, consisted of a Who’s Who in modern advertising and marketing for many years now.

Because I want you to learn copy from all of these coaches, we’ve put together the very best of Simple Writing System Classroom exercises and Q&A from previous training programs.

The Best of SWS Coaching is almost like having a personal coach to guide you through the entire process!

Here's how to make the most of it:  Watch the video and follow along in your workbook.  But... before you do the exercise, click on the link to "The Best of SWS Coaching."

You'll avoid the most common, time-wasting mistakes and get on the fast track to writing control-slaughtering ads!

Bonus #4:
The Most Requested Report I’ve Ever Created …

I’ll also include my original, uncensored “Power Words” collection. I created this beast by combing through my entire archive of top ads, and pulling out the snarling phrases and specific words that pumped up the response rates.

World-class hooks and headlines RELY on using the exact right word to get your point across. And here is a deep collection of the language choices that have defined my now-legendary career.

For years now, professionals (and other insiders I know) have kept this report near their desks when writing the really important stuff. They read through it for inspiration and ideas on how to craft their own hooks, headlines and killer copy.

It’s easily going to become your most-used “kick-starter” resource when you really need your copy to leap off the page and grab your reader.

If, for any reason, after trying the SWS you decide it’s not for you, I’ll let you keep my “Power Words” special report as a free gift.  Just for giving The Simple Writing System a try.

And if you act fast... I have one more killer bonus for you...

Fast Action Bonus #5:
A Full Month of 
Membership in
The Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club

The Marketing Rebel Insider's Club is the online one-stop resource for marketers, entrepreneurs, and copywriters that gives everything you need to run your business profitably.

Here's just a sample of what's waiting for you in the club:

  • A rotating archive of proven ads and timeless marketing lessons, strategies, and examples. Each ad is backed up with commentary, insights, and an explanation of how it was created and why it worked. (Swipe files of my ads alone have kick-started the careers of countless copywriters, and fueled the best years of oodles of entrepreneurs.)
  • Unlimited chances to bend the ear of the entire Marketing Rebel Team on ANY biz, marketing, advertising, or even lifestyle questions in our Facebook-like chat stream. Would you like to have a place to turn to experienced marketers and small business owners who have been there and done that… ready to answer whatever questions you have on software, hiring, running a growing business… whatever else is holding you back? Inside the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club, that’s exactly what you’ll find.
  • As a full-privileged member in the MRIC, you are eligible for being chosen for a private Hot Seat consult with my business partner and co-creator of the SWS, Stan Dahl, and me, which we do monthly. That’s a full personal session with us, discussing your biz, your issues, your questions and sticking points. Clients who buy these Hot Seat consults shell out $2500 per session. For the MRIC members who get chosen, it’s FREE. (All members have access to these sessions, so you’ll benefit from these Hot Seats every month.)

This makes the MRIC a tremendous resource to have for advice and tactics on the details of running a business.

It’s like a playground, an experimental business laboratory, a wonderful networking environment, and a marketer’s dream for inside info…

… all packed into a one-stop online club.

Surprise Bonus #6:
An Uncensored, "Ask me Anything Zoom Call"

Later this month, I'm hosting a call with a few people who upgrade to the Simple Writing Home Study System now.

Please note: Spots are extremely limited.   Sign up now so you don't miss out.  Plus, this call is only for those who attended Dan Kennedy's Mid Year Event, live or virtual. (So no sharing this offer with anyone else.)

Here's your chance to ask any burning question you have about your business or your marketing. 

You'll see how a few small changes to your marketing can mean a massive increase in your sales and income.

This Zoom call would normally cost you a small fortune, plus you'd be on a waiting list for months.

However, Dan has been a good friend to me over the years. I've worked with him and for him, and learned a lot from him. This Zoom call is my way of paying him back. 

Which means you get in for FREE... if you hurry and claim your spot now.

The Simple Writing System

Home Study Course

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.

Only $477

(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)


Yup, you get a screamingly generous conditional guarantee of satisfaction…

… meaning you’re not risking anything by diving in right now.

Here’s how your conditional guarantee works:

  • Sign up for The Simple Writing System right now.
  • There is ONE very reasonable condition to this guarantee: You must at least try the system in the next 30 days.
  • By 'try', we mean complete just 2 of the exercises  Scribble them into your workbook to get your creative juices flowing.  
  • If, after doing these 2 exercises within the 30-day guarantee period, you are convinced this system is not for you…

… simply return the workbook we’ve shipped to you (in any condition, with at least 2 exercises written in)…

… and you will receive a prompt refund.

This is a very reasonable guarantee, and I hope you clearly understand why we have this single condition.

I bent over backwards to create this course…

… literally pouring into it everything I know about systematically writing great sales messages.

It’s worked for so many people that I’m betting it will work for you, too…

… if you’ll just give it the slightest chance.

You’ll have instant access to all of the video lessons and bonuses…

… and my staff will scramble to get your workbook to you as fast as possible. Our customer service always gets rave reviews.

I want you to feel comfortable ordering, even if you’re not totally convinced and need to see the course first…

… you risk nothing… as long as you agree to give it a try.

It's up to you now...

All that’s really required to start your own adventure in making money is to:

  • Stop making excuses…
  • Find a proven resource like this where you can quickly learn what you need to learn…
  • And make the decision to get started.

What are you waiting for?

You are about to finally discover the foundation of every successful business.

It’s your turn to get on the inside for a change.

Grab your spot now, by signing up. Your opportunity is now.

This is serious stuff, for people who are serious about achieving success.

This should not be a hard decision to make — you have an opportunity here.

A single new sales message that “hits all the hot buttons” of your market can generate massive results…

… making the price of this system nothing more than a brief investment on your part… quickly recovered.

Order now, while you’re thinking about it. And your adventure in business success can begin right away.

Just click on the order button and you can begin immediately.

I’ll look for you on our wall of testimonials.

Stay frosty…

     John Carlton

The Simple Writing System

Home Study Course

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.


(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)

P.S. – Are you asking yourself these 3 questions?

Q1: Will this work for me?

If I wasn’t 100% sure that the answer is “Yes!”, I wouldn’t be offering you a 100% money-back guarantee.

It does not matter what kind of product you sell… high- or low-priced… physical product or digital download… something for the mass market or just for a specialty niche…

… what you are about to learn gives you a repeatable system that will be in your “Success Toolkit” for the rest of your career.

You will finally know what the best marketers in the world know about writing the strongest and most results-getting sales messages possible.

No one can ever take this skill away from you.

You will never again be at the mercy of anyone else for the most important part of your business:

The communication you have with your prospects, persuading them to buy.

Learning this system gives you total independence.

And even if you DO hire someone else to write for you…

… you will know EXACTLY what you need written…

… and how it should BE written.

So you will, essentially, be a freelance writer’s worst nightmare…

… because he will be forced to do his very best work for you, every time.

Because you know.

Because you, like the other successful marketers whose stories you see on this page…

… are finally clued-in to how great sales messages get created.

Q2: Can I learn this?

Over 1,000 folks have been through the Simple Writing System. They came from every kind of situation you can imagine.  Rookies, veteran business owners, it doesn’t matter.

The system works.

This is not like high school or even college.

This is, instead, simple yet advanced education for adults — adults who finally want to learn how to produce sales and results like the best marketers out there.

We’re going to gently force-feed into your brain…

… these simple step-by-step keys to finally understanding how and why selling works.

And we’ll do this by actually getting you to DO it.

This is not about getting critiques or reviews of your current materials. You can do that yourself, once you know what’s needed and what’s missing.

No… this program is about the freedom to go where you want to go with your marketing. As effectively as the best marketers out there.

This program is about creating everything you need now, and everything you’ll need as your business grows. Forever.

Why would you give into to the nonsensical belief that you “can’t do this”?

Of course you CAN do this.

The proof is all over this site.  Just glance at their stories.

Others did it, often with less brains and more obstacles than you face today.

You can learn this…

  • No matter what market you’re in (or how new you are in this market).
  • No matter what your dreams are.
  • And no matter HOW you define “success”.

You can fit this entire course into your current schedule, with just a few brief sessions each week.

You are not "too busy" to fit this in.

We tell folks that just eliminating one or two TV shows you’ve been watching...

... opens up more than enough time each week to get the whole system completed.

You can resume your TV addiction AFTER learning this system, if you like.

Many students have completed it in a long weekend. They just sat down and went through all of it, and GOT it.

Others squeezed it in – easily — with just a few hours a night, a few nights a week, or even over their lunch hour.

The thing is... it’s completely up to you.

You go at YOUR own pace. At whatever kind of schedule works for you...

... or even no schedule at all, if you want to just dive in when you have some time each week.

You don’t have to be anywhere to listen to any scheduled webinars, ever. All the lessons, and all the interaction happen when you choose.

Q3: Can you teach me?

If you are willing to learn… I know I can.

Take a look at the wall of testimonials on this page. You’ll find success stories from some of the top marketers of the past 20 years, and people just like you.

I’ve broken everything down into simple, easy-to-master chunks for you.

Having this simple formula plugged into your brain makes every writing task faster, easier and TONS more profitable than just “winging it”…

… because you suddenly know exactly what to do at each step. Bang, bang, bang, and you’ve got the sales message you need.

How DO you define success?

Some folks define success as earning more money.

Or maybe you want a thriving, long-term business model.

Or you may want more free time.

Or you may want to dominate your niche market, and crush your competition while becoming the top dog.

Well, this is how it all gets done. Quickly, and simply…

… once you finally understand how to create the critical sales messages needed to get the results you crave.

Success in business is going to come down to your ability to produce sales. Without that, you’re toast.

So let’s fix that, starting right now.

Now, if you’re ready for the ride of your life to begin, it’s your turn.

The Simple Writing System

Home Study Course

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.


(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)

What Are Others Saying About John Carlton and The Simple Writing System?

Ken CalhounKen CalhounStockTradingSuccess.com

Sold Out The Show

"You inspired me to write a new pitch to my house list, using your tactics... and it generated a near-DOUBLE response rate (over 203 requests in under 24 hours, at $495 a pop). Sold out the show."

Bernadette DoyleBernadette DoyleClientMagnets.com

"THANKS! I got a quick ROI on this and my bullet writing is transformed forever. Very happy student here. Apart from the excellent content, you structured it so I actually worked through and applied the content. It's so easy to let books and programs gather dust - you made this really usable and I've benefited as a result."

Al OelschlaegerEncryptaGifts.com

100% Right With Just A Glance

"It's scary how exactly on target you were with your advice based on reading just a few pages of our sales letter. You were 100% right. We've now made over 1,000 sales, captured wonderful customer feedback (as you advised), and are establishing national distribution."

Otto TrommOtto Tromm

3 Times ROI With New Skills

"I just sold my most expensive screen ever. And, it was due to HOW I sold it with copy skills. Why am I so sure: - it was to a new customer - in a country where people are known for their fondness of bargain hunting - I am sure we had the most expensive offer (competitors offer a similar size screen at a third of the price) - it was the first time that such a screen was sold from a web inquiry. Wanna know how expensive the screen was? 25,000 euro (or about 35K in US$) without shipping or installation.

So thanks guys (David and John), I just made my investment in the Simple Writing System back 3 times on this order alone."

Gary HalbertGary HalbertTheGaryHalbertLetter.com

"John is the first guy I call when I have a marketing problem."

"His insights and marketing prowess are unparalleled among the working advertising experts I know... and I know them all. The money available, when you learn what insiders like John has to share, is just insane. In my book, there is John... and no one else is even close."

Rich SchefrenRich SchefrenStrategicProfits.com

$287,000 The First Week!

"After listening to John for less than an hour, my mind caught fire and everything fell into place. I immediately produced my first sales letter ever... and it brought in $287,000 the first week! You can bet I seek out his advice every time I make a major business decision."

Lorrie MorganLorrie MorganRedHotCopy.com

"When my copywriting business was operating in the red, I bit the bullet and invested in John's stuff. Know what? I started making money. Lots of it. The subtle tweaks and step-by-step system I learned from John shot conversion rates through the roof. And I confidently raised my fees by 60% because of everything I learned from him... and my fees continue to rise."

[Disclosure: Lorrie has turned into such a successful copywriter and consultant that she's become a frequent Simple Writing System's Coach.]

Lisa WagnerLisa WagnerRugChick.com

Tripled Response!

"You know that new 'hook' you insisted I try in my sales pitch? It TRIPLED response! This translates into several hundred thousand dollars in sales over the coming year. You are on my Christmas gift list for life, dude."

Jeff GardnerJeff GardnerTX

Massive Breakthrough Generates $70,000

"I had a massive breakthrough reading your stuff, John. Over the last 14 days, what you taught me generated an extra 20,979 in sales! Thanks again."

(Update: "After a full month, my take is now $70,000! Note to self: Follow John's advice!")

Peter IppolitoPeter IppolitoSan Salvador - CuponClub.net

We have a top "Daily Deal" site in El Salvador and Guatemala that sells big discount coupons for restaurants, hair salons, mechanics, hotels, etc.

Inspired by what Carlton teaches about "One-Two Punch Bullets" in the SWS, last week we split-test the bullets we've been using on three of our offers.

The results were wild. All 3 resulted in a statistically significant increase in sales.

Argentinian Sausage Sandwiches: 12% increase over the control

Hotel and Spa Day: 28% increase over the control

Weight Loss Treatment: 85% increase over the control

We didn't change anything else. Just the 4-5 bullets near the top of the page.

Goes to show that copy REALLY matters.

Chris RabalaisNew Millennium Publications

Just One Tip Multiplied Response

"Using just ONE tip John gave us increased our mail response by 32%. This means an additional $2,000 in profit for every 1000 letters."

Ken GlickmanKen GlickmanFormer Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Boardroom, Inc.

"Great copywriters are proven because consumers vote with their money. That's why guys like John Carlton are so expensive, and so valuable. This is seriously important information for your business. There are only a handful of writers in John's league. I read his book as soon as I got my hands on it."

Craig ForteCraig ForteServiceForLife.com

Making Crime Pay

"Who says crime doesn't pay? John let me 'steal' one of his ad headlines for a seminar I was holding... netting me a cool $251,771 in just 3 days. I don't know any decent marketer who would be caught dead without John's help."

John OrbanJohn OrbanAlexanderArt.com

I’ve got to say, this SWS stuff is lightning in a bottle! I never even knew this world existed a year ago. I feel like I’m walking with giants! THANK YOU!

Chris MilkieMilwaukee, WI

In the middle of the SWS I reinvented an ad for a weight loss biz and the phones went from lukewarm to SIZZLIN’.

Thank you John!!

Michael NormanAustralia

Free Money!

"Amazing! My web site conversion rate has nearly DOUBLED, just from what you've taught me. And guess what? Also following your advice, I tested a much higher price... and the conversion rate was not affected at all. That's FREE MONEY without any extra work! You were right, John."

Chris HaddadChris Haddad"Mr. Moneyfingers"

"Hi. As I write this I'm richer than I ever thought I'd be, happier than I have any right to be . . . and have somehow become one of those "famous" copywriters who gets talked about on message boards, who's building a information business of my own that should hit 7-figures next year, and who's every letter and sales video gets mercilessly ripped off.

And it’s all John Carlton's fault."

[Disclosure: Chris's business did hit 7-figures. He's been a trusted associate for many years as well as a Simple Writing System instructor.]

Dean Hohn

Transformed My Website Copy

"As a newbie to copywriting, John and Mark taught me in the Simple Writing System how to target my thoughts and refine my writing in a way to tell a story that will hold a reader's attention, which I didn't do before. That has totally transformed my website script from what I had when I started to what it is now. I want to thank you John, all the team, for your guidance, help, and genuine support. You gave me the feeling that I really mattered as an individual and you personally wanted to help me in my copywriting journey."

Antony RuffinAntony RuffinMatthews, NC

Write More Effective Copy, In Less Time

"Everything was great. Being able to do it on my own time was a plus. The videos were high quality and the workbook has information that I have used to get good results…The Simple Writing System gave me a blue print where I can focus my efforts on each step of the puzzle. Now I can write more effective copy in less time. It gives me the ability to write my own sales letters without using someone else's work as a template for the whole thing"

Tom VenutoTom VenutoBurnTheFatFeedTheMuscle.com

50% More Orders

My average order is 50% higher (and more) since I adopted your idea. I love your outlook, and your advice cracks me up while bringing in the results."

Dan KennedyDan KennedyAuthor, No B.S. Marketing Series

"John Carlton is a copywriter I would hire, and there are damn few of those. Further, I would pay to be in a room to learn from him, and there are even fewer people on that list."

Stacey MorgensternStacey MorgensternHolisticMBA.com

"John promises a lot in the SWS. You get 200%. I don't even know how to calculate the ROI on this one. I am only half way through the course and one specific tactic I've used this week has generated at least $2,000 in passive revenue - and that was the FIRST time I tried it!"

Terry DeanTerry Dean

Boosted sales by 70%

"Your headline suggestion for one of my web sites boosted sales by 70%! This equals an extra $3,000 every month...from ONE simple change. Thanks."

Yanik SilverYanik SilverSureFireMarketing.com

I Use This Every Time I Write For The Web

My highlighter ran out 6 pages into Section 7! This course is going on my A+ shelf of resources I use every time I write a sales letter for my web sites."

John LaneJohn LaneTaxSaleLists.com

30% Boost In Conversions

"I have been using some of the things John teaches in our email campaigns for our free workshop and our attendance each week has gone up by about 40%. I also used some of his suggestions in the power point for the free workshop and our conversion rate to the paid workshop has increased by about 30%. We were converting about 5% to a $1,297 workshop, now we are just under 7% conversion.

Markus KurodaJapan

"Studying John Carlton's writing, and adapting it to Japanese culture, has allowed me to dominate an entire Asian market. It's just unbelievable what you can do when you learn what's in John's amazing bag of tricks."

John ReeseJohn Reese

"John Carlton is one of the best marketers in marketing HISTORY. I have learned a ton from him... and you should soak up everything from him that you can. It will only help you make more money from your Internet marketing efforts."

[Full Disclosure: We did not know or work with John Reese when he sent in this quote. We are now affiliates and colleagues.]

Kamron KaringtonKamron KaringtonRepeatReturns.com

$25 Per Minute!

"John, I made over $25 per minute using JUST your "power words" list. Increased click-throughs by 107%, and stuffed $10,500 in my pocket while sipping my morning coffee, using your tactics to rewrite some lame headlines for a client."

Sam ClitheroeSam ClitheroeDirect Response Copywriting

Before The Simple Writing System, I would mentally panic before ANY and EVERY copy project. Why? Because I didn't know HOW to start or what to actually do. It overwhelmed me... because there were a million different things I could do. I wasted TONS of time and mental energy just trying to "figure it out".

I was always nervous talking to clients because, while I had a general idea of what to do, I didn't TRULY know.

When I heard John say the SWS was his PERSONAL approach to writing copy and the ONLY system you'll ever need for the rest of your life, I was 100% sold.

I committed to using the SWS approach... to selectively IGNORE any other blog post, copywriting course, or "guru" and focus SOLELY on what SWS taught – I'm proud to say this was definitely the best decision I made.

After just 3 weeks of SWS, I started approaching EVERY copy project the same exact way... and it completely eliminated that pre-project resistance that kept me procrastinating.

My clients noticed the quality of my copy JUMP to new levels. I even had a call with one of the BIGGEST names I had ever talked to about potentially working together. The confidence the SWS approach gave me on that call allowed me to land the client. He went on to say out of what seemed like +100 writers he's worked with, I was the best.

After just 6 months of starting my freelance career, I'm now traveling parts of the world while serving a small handful of satisfied clients... and I give all the credit to John Carlton and the SWS.

Andrew RondeauAndrew RondeauWeBuildYourBlog.com

Best Investment I've Ever Made

"Best value course I have ever purchased... overall - great course, great value for money, expert feedback - I liked the structure. I have spent thousands of dollars on "internet related" products and in the past I have been personally mentored by not one but 2 'world famous' Internet Marketers (who charge even more thousands of dollars)...and this SWS course beats everything...it is the BEST EVER investment I made. I tell you what really pisses me off - I have spent thousands of dollars being mentored by so-called 'famous household' Internet Marketers and not one of them has suggested what you have John, not one!"

William McCreedyWilliam McCreedyFutures Trading Secrets

Tripled Sales In One Month

"Your course is fantastic. I have tripled my sales in a month and I am only now getting started fine-tuning and testing."

Michael RichesonMichael RichesonNewberg, OR

"Brought in more than a dozen high-ticket members ($4,000+ each)."

"I read "Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets" a few months ago. It was so good I bought the Simple Writing System course. A couple weeks ago I had a chance to put it all together for a client of mine. Using what learned, I wrote a Facebook ad, a 3,000-word sales letter, and an email sequence.

The ad finished with a 6 percent CTR, the sales letter had a nearly 30 percent completion rate, and the email sequence (so far) has brought in more than a dozen high-ticket members ($4,000+ each). All from a $150 ad spend.

No way I could've pulled that off without John’s book and course. Thanks for all the valuable info!"

Marc Boninthecarbutler.ca

"Before SWS I was hesitant about writing a sales letter because I had no one with marketing knowledge that could give me feedback. Now I have a system. Thanks SWS crew!"

David DeutschDavid DeutschWorld-class freelancer with controls for Boardroom, Phillips Publishing and other major league mailers... and a frequent Simple Writing System Instructor

Million Dollar Confession

Early in my career, I had the good fortune to discover John Carlton -- and he deserves much of the credit for my success as a freelancer. I hereby confess that many of the ideas behind the million-dollar controls I've written can be directly traced to what I learned or stole from John."

Tom WilkersonPhoenix, AZ

Topped Our Best Month Ever... In Just One Week With New Tactics

"In the last 3 months conversions on my website have gone through the roof. Last week we had 17 sales ($300 info product) with less than 300 unique visitors to the site, which is by far the best month we ever had in just 1 week. My data base guy is foaming at the mouth to find out why my analytics data is sending such a huge spike in conversions and my bounce rate plummeting to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I implemented changes to my site as I was progressing within the Simple Writing System Training Program and realized after week 3 that I had all my money back. I truly can't wait to see what happens to my bank account and my list at the end of the year!"

Jonathan Mitchell

$29,000 In New Business Since Completing The Course

"The Simple Writing System course was awesome... Overall, it was a great learning experience. We have closed over $29,000 in new business since completing the course. Thanks a lot."

Chris McCombsChris McCombsChrisMcCombs.net

Earning a High Six-Figures Annually Online

"Before I discovered John Carlton I had NO IDEA how to write good copy... and I'll admit I was pretty skeptical about investing in his programs because it just didn't seem possible that I would be able to influence people with print like John does.

Well let me tell you that John's teachings have not only helped me increase conversions by over 511%, but John has been one of the backbones to me earning a high six-figures annually online.

Not only do I use John's strategies in my sales copy and videos, but his tactics have also helped me develop a cult-like following on my blog, making my blog the #1 blog AND website in the world in my niche where I'm able to get as many as 8039 visitors to my blog in one day all from free traffic sources... THAT is the power of the influential writing tactics John showed me how to do.

I love waking up and seeing all the money roll in my bank account... even while I'm off doing whatever the hell it is I want to do"

Caleb O’DowdCaleb O’DowdFlorida

Pure Gold

"I've written pieces that have pulled in millions of dollars. Yet, when I sit down to write copy, I pull out my swipe file of John Carlton's stuff, and study it like my life depended on it. He is one of the few true experts in advertising. Pure gold."

Harlan KilsteinHarlan KilsteinTheDogingtonPost.com

Million-Dollar Advice

"John's first critique of my copy was a shock -- I thought I was pretty darned good, but he told me to rip it up and start over from scratch, using his specific advice.

I'm glad I had the sense to listen -- my first year, with John's advice stinging in my ears, I earned over $350,000. And this year, I'm bringing in a cool million."

Disclosure: Harlan's arguably John Carlton's most tenacious and successful student. He's one of the Simple Writing System's top coaches.

Jorge Garcia

"The SWS is an unbelievable, bullet-proof plan for composing the hands-down best copy I've ever written."

"I've been in the freelancing game for 7 years now and always had trouble putting things together. I've got it all: ADHD OCD BP ETC, so perfectionism and a short attention span blasted my workflow to pieces with my previous clients. SWS forces me to sit down, focus on making the cogs, and helps me put together a selling machine.

In ONE DAY I tweaked my Upwork.com profile and I started getting inundated with work requests. It was like no other copywriter had a page quite as sharp as mine. My request inbox was so loaded up I had to turn down several jobs a week. Upwork gave me top-rated status the following week based on how much work and 5-star ratings I was getting. I had to start sending people to my website to get in line for a chance to work with me.

Now I'm charging three times my previous hourly rate and clients are paying my per-project fee. I can't thank you enough for this system. As a fiction writer turned copywriter, it is the one writing tutorial that's actually worked for someone with my thinking patterns.

You should change the acronym from SWS to ROI. I'm making three times as much on freelance projects as I used to and now I HAVE TO TURN DOWN JOBS ON A WEEKLY BASIS. My new copy is bursting at the seams with an irresistible voice and pinpoint salesmanship and people are seeking ME out to work with them (and paying me much more than the other guys). No other book or course comes close. This is the end-all, be-all for copywriting courses.

Thanks a ton for everything."

Adam CloetAdam Cloetbodysystems.ca

"Over 6 figures/year into my pocket."

"For me... Copywriting was my lacking skill...

I never knew how to write effective copy, and John you've done a GREAT job... the SWS blows away any "system" I've seen in a long time. It's pretty much idiot proof.

To top it off, my motivation after this course has never been so high... Since starting it I've sold 2 new franchisees (which adds over 6 figures/year into my pocket). I'm starting to blast off writing follow up sequences....I've also finalized my entire franchise manual for all of my stores, and my web guy is starting to build a new website for my retail stores and will use your copywriting to make it smash the competition as well as build an avenue through the site to franchise even more...

I can't thank you enough... this is a program geared for REAL business minded people... it's the real deal... not some fancy, full of fluff, way of repackaging old basic marketing. Thanks John!"

Andreea GradAndreea GradPortland, Oregon

30% more business in the last few months!

"What I learned in the Simple Writing System will help me build multiple streams of profits for years to come. I now feel I can truly make more money, create products that sell and attract more clients for my growing business. In fact, I can write my own ads which have brought in 30% more business locally in the last few months. I am so grateful for it. Thank you from my heart."

Robert PierceRobert PiercePresident, Tactical Response Solutions, TRSDirect.com

"John has created millions in profit for us. We pitted his ads and letters against big-city ad agencies, PR firms, and writers with lots of awards... and John slaughtered them all. He consistently hits 'home runs' for us -- 20-to-1 return in profit is not unusual. He has saved our butts on several occasions.

Michael JansMichael JansPresident, Insurance Profit Systems, Inc.

"I study Carlton's copy like a 14 year-old boy reads Playboy. Completely dazzled, entranced and full of desire. I've read hundreds of books on marketing and copywriting and make my living with it... so I know how to separate the wheat from the chaff in this business. Every time I think I've hit the nail on the head with my copy, I read one of John's letters and realize how much farther I could go. Ouch... it hurts to say that... but it's true."

Craig ClemensCraig ClemensNew York, NY

Thanks For Giving Me A Better Life

"Since 2005, your simple writing strategies have earned me and my clients millions. It all began when Eben Pagan shoved a copy of your course into my hands and said "Study every word and then write me some copy!" I was hooked, and got my hands on everything you produced.

My career as a copywriter has flourished since then, because you helped me understand the psychology behind a great sales message. In fact, just last month I booked a project that brought me a fat $15,000 (plus 5% of the gross sales in royalties)... and it took me just one week of work.

The beauty of writing sales copy is that it's not the writing that brings in the money... it's the knowledge of what to write about to get people to buy. And there is no one on earth who knows this -- and can teach it so you "get it" quickly -- better than John Carlton. Thanks, John, for giving me a better life."

Alex MandossianAlex MandossianMarketingOnline.com

John Carlton is a world-class copywriter, teacher, and trainer.

He doesn't just tell you how to do it. He doesn't just show you how to do it. He involves you so you learn and you burn those ideas into your mind so that you pick up his strategies and techniques... and the way to apply the psychology of world-class copy.

Most copywriters just write about writing copy. John shows you how to get deep... How to bury your mind into the mind of your prospect.

I want to thank John Carlton from the bottom of my heart. I give John my highest endorsement.

Before the SWS, I THOUGHT my copywriting was pretty dang good...

In reality, my copy was lackluster, WAAAY overwritten, and often sloppy.

The SWS quickly changed all of that.

If you're serious about kicking up your copy-chops to the next level... faster than you could imagine was even possible... I think you'd be CRAZY not to jump at the chance to work with John in his Simple Writing System.

Chris PayneChris PayneTriumphOverChallenges.com, United Kingdom

Profits Through The Roof

"I used Carlton's tactics in my advertising online, and profits went through the roof. That meant we could move into a bigger house, and I've kit it out with the most amazing high-tech gear. I would not be here today without John's help"

Craig WoolvenCraig WoolvenSydney, Australia

"Your Simple Writing System has instantly turbo-charged my sales letters. $11,000 of new business in 48 hours using just a few of your wickedly effective sales strategies.

John, your Simple Writing System is my step-by-step blueprint for writing killer, kick-ass sales letters. At last, a simple step-by-step system that pulls together all the elements of writing sizzling, money-in-the-bank sales letters.

The videos explain exactly what to do... the workbook is chock-a-block-full of real world examples and my personal tutor made sure I nailed every exercise. Your red-hot team of million dollar writing tutors delivered the personal attention needed to catapult my writing skills to a whole new level.

I now know what to say and exactly how to write it. Powerful, laser targeted sales copy at my fingertips using your step-by step process. Absolutely awesome -- thanks John."

Ernie SvensonErnie SvensonSmallFirmBootcamp.com

"To be honest, even though I have massive respect for John Carlton and everything he does, I was hesitant about signing up because I was afraid I'd be somehow disappointed.

But, after having run the gauntlet I can say... The SWS course was everything I secretly hoped it would be: practical, hands-on, inspiring, challenging, enlightening, thoroughly enjoyable, and definitely profitable.

Thank you SO much for offering this exceptional course, and for making it so convenient to learn copywriting from the best in the biz."

The Simple Writing System Home Study Course

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.


(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)

The testimonials and case studies on this page are, to the best of our ability to determine, all true and accurate. They were provided willingly, without any compensation offered in return. These testimonials and case studies do not represent typical or average results. Most customers do not contact us or offer to share their results, nor are they required or expected to. Therefore, we have no way to determine what typical or average results have been. Many people do not implement anything we teach them. We can't make anyone follow our advice, and we obviously can't promise that our advice, as interpreted and implemented by everyone, is going to achieve for everyone the kinds of results it's helped the folks on this page achieve. The income statements and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, marketing background, product, effort and motivation to work and follow recommendations. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital.

Copyright 2018 - JCSD Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved
