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This is Stan Dahl.  I'm going to be your mostly-behind-the-scenes host for your Simple Writing System "Pint of Beer Challenge" express copywriting course.

On behalf of John Carlton and the entire Marketing Rebel Team, congratulations for signing up for this free mini-course.


This is Stan Dahl.  I'm going to be your mostly-behind-the-scenes host for your Simple Writing System "Pint of Beer Challenge" express copywriting course.

On behalf of John Carlton and the entire Marketing Rebel Team, congratulations for signing up for this free mini-course.

Once you understand even a few simple and proven selling strategies, your business will never be the same.

This mini-version of our full Simple Writing System Program has changed lives.

Check your inbox.

In about 2 minutes you'll find an email in your inbox.  (If it's not there, check your Bulk, Spam, or Promotions folder.)

Please click on the link in that email to confirm you want to be part of this.

About a minute after that, you'll receive a second email.  That one has the link to your first Pint of Beer Challenge lesson.

We're excited to be sharing our step-by-step process for creating ads that sell like crazy.

We'll see you over there.

Stan Dahl
John Carlton's Biz Partner & Co-Creator of the Simple Writing System

P.S.  It's important that you open and click on the links in those emails.  That's how we're sure we're sending these valuable lessons only to people who asked for them.

If you're in a super-hurry to get started, or it's not convenient for you to check you email right now, click here to go to Lesson #1 of The Simple Writing System Pint of Beer Challenge.

What Are Others Saying About John Carlton and This Simple Writing System?

Kamron KaringtonKamron KaringtonRepeatReturns.com

$25 Per Minute!

"John, I made over $25 per minute using JUST your "power words" list. Increased click-throughs by 107%, and stuffed $10,500 in my pocket while sipping my morning coffee, using your tactics to rewrite some lame headlines for a client."

Markus KurodaJapan

"Studying John Carlton's writing, and adapting it to Japanese culture, has allowed me to dominate an entire Asian market. It's just unbelievable what you can do when you learn what's in John's amazing bag of tricks."

John OrbanJohn OrbanAlexanderArt.com

I’ve got to say, this SWS stuff is lightning in a bottle! I never even knew this world existed a year ago. I feel like I’m walking with giants! THANK YOU!

Otto TrommOtto Tromm

3 Times ROI With New Skills

"I just sold my most expensive screen ever. And, it was due to HOW I sold it with copy skills. Why am I so sure: - it was to a new customer - in a country where people are known for their fondness of bargain hunting - I am sure we had the most expensive offer (competitors offer a similar size screen at a third of the price) - it was the first time that such a screen was sold from a web inquiry. Wanna know how expensive the screen was? 25,000 euro (or about 35K in US$) without shipping or installation.

So thanks guys (David and John), I just made my investment in the Simple Writing System back 3 times on this order alone."

Andreea GradAndreea GradPortland, Oregon

30% more business in the last few months!

"What I learned in the Simple Writing System will help me build multiple streams of profits for years to come. I now feel I can truly make more money, create products that sell and attract more clients for my growing business. In fact, I can write my own ads which have brought in 30% more business locally in the last few months. I am so grateful for it. Thank you from my heart."

Terry DeanTerry Dean

Boosted sales by 70%

"Your headline suggestion for one of my web sites boosted sales by 70%! This equals an extra $3,000 every month...from ONE simple change. Thanks."

Sam ClitheroeSam ClitheroeDirect Response Copywriting

Before The Simple Writing System, I would mentally panic before ANY and EVERY copy project. Why? Because I didn't know HOW to start or what to actually do. It overwhelmed me... because there were a million different things I could do. I wasted TONS of time and mental energy just trying to "figure it out".

I was always nervous talking to clients because, while I had a general idea of what to do, I didn't TRULY know.

When I heard John say the SWS was his PERSONAL approach to writing copy and the ONLY system you'll ever need for the rest of your life, I was 100% sold.

I committed to using the SWS approach... to selectively IGNORE any other blog post, copywriting course, or "guru" and focus SOLELY on what SWS taught – I'm proud to say this was definitely the best decision I made.

After just 3 weeks of SWS, I started approaching EVERY copy project the same exact way... and it completely eliminated that pre-project resistance that kept me procrastinating.

My clients noticed the quality of my copy JUMP to new levels. I even had a call with one of the BIGGEST names I had ever talked to about potentially working together. The confidence the SWS approach gave me on that call allowed me to land the client. He went on to say out of what seemed like +100 writers he's worked with, I was the best.

After just 6 months of starting my freelance career, I'm now traveling parts of the world while serving a small handful of satisfied clients... and I give all the credit to John Carlton and the SWS.

Rich SchefrenRich SchefrenStrategicProfits.com

$287,000 The First Week!

"After listening to John for less than an hour, my mind caught fire and everything fell into place. I immediately produced my first sales letter ever... and it brought in $287,000 the first week! You can bet I seek out his advice every time I make a major business decision."

Jorge Garcia

"The SWS is an unbelievable, bullet-proof plan for composing the hands-down best copy I've ever written."

"I've been in the freelancing game for 7 years now and always had trouble putting things together. I've got it all: ADHD OCD BP ETC, so perfectionism and a short attention span blasted my workflow to pieces with my previous clients. SWS forces me to sit down, focus on making the cogs, and helps me put together a selling machine.

In ONE DAY I tweaked my Upwork.com profile and I started getting inundated with work requests. It was like no other copywriter had a page quite as sharp as mine. My request inbox was so loaded up I had to turn down several jobs a week. Upwork gave me top-rated status the following week based on how much work and 5-star ratings I was getting. I had to start sending people to my website to get in line for a chance to work with me.

Now I'm charging three times my previous hourly rate and clients are paying my per-project fee. I can't thank you enough for this system. As a fiction writer turned copywriter, it is the one writing tutorial that's actually worked for someone with my thinking patterns.

You should change the acronym from SWS to ROI. I'm making three times as much on freelance projects as I used to and now I HAVE TO TURN DOWN JOBS ON A WEEKLY BASIS. My new copy is bursting at the seams with an irresistible voice and pinpoint salesmanship and people are seeking ME out to work with them (and paying me much more than the other guys). No other book or course comes close. This is the end-all, be-all for copywriting courses.

Thanks a ton for everything."

Daryl ThompsonDaryl ThompsonInsurMark.net

"Quitting My Cushy 6-Figure Job"

"Our investment education business went from $50k a year in sales to over $200k in six months, thanks to John Carlton (and a hot webmaster from Houston). Thanks to what I've learned, I'm quitting my cushy six-figure a year job to go full-time in this new business!"

Ken CalhounKen CalhounStockTradingSuccess.com

Sold Out The Show

"You inspired me to write a new pitch to my house list, using your tactics... and it generated a near-DOUBLE response rate (over 203 requests in under 24 hours, at $495 a pop). Sold out the show."

Joe PolishJoe PolishPiranha Marketing, co-host of iLoveMarketing podcast

"Phenomenal content. Of all the marketing, advertising and copywriting experts I pay attention to, John Carlton is by far the most articulate and passionate and knowledgeable (and funny). I get more value just from your hilarious, ballsy stories alone than from the serious efforts of most other gurus. Man, you've helped my advertising get wicked-good."

[Full Disclosure: Joe has been a trusted colleague for many years.]

Michael JansMichael JansPresident, Insurance Profit Systems, Inc.

"I study Carlton's copy like a 14 year-old boy reads Playboy. Completely dazzled, entranced and full of desire. I've read hundreds of books on marketing and copywriting and make my living with it... so I know how to separate the wheat from the chaff in this business. Every time I think I've hit the nail on the head with my copy, I read one of John's letters and realize how much farther I could go. Ouch... it hurts to say that... but it's true."

Holly LisleHolly Lisle

“I was up against the wall, out of time, pressed for money, stressed beyond belief. Launch day was March 12. I went live without testimonials because I ran out of time.

Then the sales started... And got faster, and faster.

Thirty-six hours later, my results were four times better than what I needed to dig out of the hole, and twice what I'd hoped for in my best-case scenario. I'm going to be okay. I could not have done this without your help, John. Thank you!"

Paul Greig SmithPaul Greig Smith

12 sales in 22 hours on a $4000 offer!!

I was inspired by The Simple Writing System lesson on "Turbulence."

I went through it carefully (and poured over John's Power Words Report) before crafting the final call to action.

I made at least a dozen edits. Kept reading it aloud.

I was still nervous. A little unsure. So I sent the email to just part of my list.

12 sales in 22 hours on a $4000 offer!! (The entire trip sold out in a week.)

I couldn't believe it!

As the bookings came in, literally everyone said words to the effect of, "Bloody hell Paul, I wouldn't miss that for the world!"

"Turbulence" really worked!

Thanks, John!

Kamron KaringtonKamron KaringtonRepeatReturns.com

$25 Per Minute!

"John, I made over $25 per minute using JUST your "power words" list. Increased click-throughs by 107%, and stuffed $10,500 in my pocket while sipping my morning coffee, using your tactics to rewrite some lame headlines for a client."

Ernie SvensonErnie SvensonSmallFirmBootcamp.com

"To be honest, even though I have massive respect for John Carlton and everything he does, I was hesitant about signing up because I was afraid I'd be somehow disappointed.

But, after having run the gauntlet I can say... The SWS course was everything I secretly hoped it would be: practical, hands-on, inspiring, challenging, enlightening, thoroughly enjoyable, and definitely profitable.

Thank you SO much for offering this exceptional course, and for making it so convenient to learn copywriting from the best in the biz."

Michael RichesonMichael RichesonNewberg, OR

"Brought in more than a dozen high-ticket members ($4,000+ each)."

"I read "Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets" a few months ago. It was so good I bought the Simple Writing System course. A couple weeks ago I had a chance to put it all together for a client of mine. Using what I learned, I wrote a Facebook ad, a 3,000-word sales letter, and an email sequence.

The ad finished with a 6 percent CTR, the sales letter had a nearly 30 percent completion rate, and the email sequence (so far) has brought in more than a dozen high-ticket members ($4,000+ each). All from a $150 ad spend.

No way I could've pulled that off without John’s book and course. Thanks for all the valuable info!"

John OrbanJohn OrbanAlexanderArt.com

I’ve got to say, this SWS stuff is lightning in a bottle! I never even knew this world existed a year ago. I feel like I’m walking with giants! THANK YOU!

Chris PayneChris PayneTriumphOverChallenges.com, United Kingdom

Profits Through The Roof

"I used Carlton's tactics in my advertising online, and profits went through the roof. That meant we could move into a bigger house, and I've kit it out with the most amazing high-tech gear. I would not be here today without John's help"

John ReeseJohn Reese

"John Carlton is one of the best marketers in marketing HISTORY. I have learned a ton from him... and you should soak up everything from him that you can. It will only help you make more money from your Internet marketing efforts."

[Full Disclosure: We did not know or work with John Reese when he sent in this quote. We are now affiliates and colleagues.]

Daryl ThompsonDaryl ThompsonInsurMark.net

"Quitting My Cushy 6-Figure Job"

"Our investment education business went from $50k a year in sales to over $200k in six months, thanks to John Carlton (and a hot webmaster from Houston). Thanks to what I've learned, I'm quitting my cushy six-figure a year job to go full-time in this new business!"

Peter IppolitoPeter IppolitoSan Salvador - CuponClub.net

We have a top "Daily Deal" site in El Salvador and Guatemala that sells big discount coupons for restaurants, hair salons, mechanics, hotels, etc.

Inspired by what Carlton teaches about "One-Two Punch Bullets" in the SWS, last week we split-test the bullets we've been using on three of our offers.

The results were wild. All 3 resulted in a statistically significant increase in sales.

Argentinian Sausage Sandwiches: 12% increase over the control

Hotel and Spa Day: 28% increase over the control

Weight Loss Treatment: 85% increase over the control

We didn't change anything else. Just the 4-5 bullets near the top of the page.

Goes to show that copy REALLY matters.
