Discover John Carlton's ENTIRE, top-to-bottom, NOTHING held back Ad Writing System.

The one that's raked in Untold Millions of Dollars in sales... for multiple clients... in every niche imaginable...

John Carlton, here.

If you've completed my Pint of Beer Challenge, two things are probably racing through your head:

     1) I did not know writing a killer ad could be that much fun and so easy.

     2) What the heck happens now?

With the sizzling secrets revealed in the Pint of Beer Challenge, you have a powerful tool in your hands... One that lets you create a pretty good ad whenever you want.

However, I'm not the kind of guy to be satisfied with "pretty good."

I wanted more. I suspect you do too.

That's why I'm ready to hand over ALL of my secrets. The ones that made me wealthy and successful beyond my wildest dreams.

The Pint of Beer Challenge was just a warm-up...

It gets your blood moving... and the ideas flowing!  All on its own, it can give a quick boost to your bottom line. It's powerful, powerful stuff.

Now, it's time to kick it up a notch and tap into your full potential.

There are 18 steps in my complete process. Here's your chance to get them all, including:

  • Develop an uncanny ability to sniff out the hottest markets (where most of the money is waiting).  I’ll show you the three lighting fast steps to transform you into a sales detective. Hint:  These steps MUST be done before you even pick up a pen. (Lesson 1)
  • An easy way to position yourself  head and shoulders above any competitor, in any marketplace, even if you're just a startup and everyone else has more experience. (Lesson 3)
  • Write ads that pull insane results by mastering this one critical technique.  Even if you do nothing else, your sales will take off.  (Lesson 5)
  • How anyone can develop killer sales chops.  Just a slight shift in your thinking helps you become a master of persuasion. (Lesson 8)
  • Rake in record-breaking sales by asking a simple “three-word question.”  This tactic shocks the heck out of everyone on my hot seats!  You’ll uncover irresistible, hidden benefits you didn’t know your product had. (Lesson 4)
  • Gain an unfair advantage even over veteran marketers with these simple avatar-building secrets.  This builds on less two of the Pint of Beer Challenge, and is the foundation of every wildly successful ad.  (Lesson 2)
  • Why the wrong type of testimonial can KILL your sale...PLUS, the foolproof, ethical way to coach your clients into giving you dazzling endorsements. (Lesson 6)
  • What even pro-level copywriters miss when it comes to crafting irresistible hooks for their ads. Check out this one concept in lesson 7, and you can outsell anyone.
  • Skyrocket profits by forcing skeptical, "maybe later," not quite ready prospects off the fence and get them reaching for their wallets now. (Lesson 16)
  • Why closing the sale is a cinch, if you've done everything right up until this point. (Lesson 17)
  • Four ways to rev up legitimate yet intense urgency to buy now, without ever sounding like a sleazy huckster.
  • Way too much more to list here...

When I guide you, step-by-step, through my ENTIRE system, your next launch is going to do a helluva lot more than "boost" your sales...

You'll finally have the chops to pull off the kind of grand slams that change your life and your business forever.

So brace yourself... 'cuz I'm about to help you...

Break the Internet!

Learning to write copy that triggers a FLOOD of sales can be hard. But it doesn't have to be.

True fact: The first ad writer I knew told me straight up, "Don't even try to become a copywriter. You'll never figure it out -- it's waayyy too hard."

My heart sank as she said those words, but I was too broke and too desperate to give up. Now, I'm so glad I stuck with it. Soon, several big-name LA agencies began hiring me on the sly for work their in-house writers couldn't pull off.

Since then, I've worked with legendary marketers like Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, and Jay Abraham.

Plus, I've written some of the most successful promotions in advertising history, both online and offline.

I've got clobbering controls and shattering sales records down to a fine art, but there's something I love even more...

Teaching others to do the same.

Nothing makes me happier than watching a struggling writer or business owner skyrocket their sales because of what I taught them.

Over the years, through trial and error (and a healthy dose of thick-headed stubbornness), I developed the Simple Writing System.

It's a logical, systematic formula that makes writing irresistible, profitable ads easy and repeatable.

The Simple Writing System gives you a 
multi-million dollar skill right at your fingertips.

The process is familiar... It's like the Pint of Beer Challenge, just a whole lot more:

  • Watch a short video and follow along in your workbook, which we'll rush to you as soon as we get your order. Then take a couple of minutes to do the simple exercise.
  • Each exercise is designed to embed every critical sales technique straight into your muscle memory.
  • Then, you'll put it all together into a powerful, sales-generating machine that could set you up for years to come. (I'll guide you step by step, as always.)

Is the Simple Writing System for you? 


If you’re a small business owner, and know your superb products aren’t reaching as many people as they could, then keep reading.

Because the simple system I’m about to reveal to you has already helped flocks of biz owners create devastatingly effective advertisements which have skyrocketed their sales.

For example, take business owner Craig Woolven, who said this after discovering my system:

“Your Simple Writing System has instantly turbo-charged my sales letters. $11,000 of new business in 48 hours using just a few of your wickedly effective sales strategies.”

Craig Woolven


If you’re an aspiring pro copywriter who’d like to kickstart a fabulous career dripping with wealth and notoriety, then keep reading.

Because the simple system I’m about to reveal to you has already launched mobs of newbie copywriters into lavish careers and global fame… writing for every major industry out there.

For example, take direct-response copywriter Sam Clitheroe, who said this after discovering my system:

“After just 6 months of starting my freelance career, I'm now traveling parts of the world while serving a small handful of satisfied clients... and I give all the credit to John Carlton …”


If you’re a pro copywriter looking to shortcut the learning curve to becoming a highly-respected & well-paid, world-class copywriter, then keep reading.

Because many copywriters have credited my simple system as the defining method which shot their copywriting skills into the stratosphere.

For example, take pro copywriter, coach & consultant Carolynn Ananian, who said this after discovering my system:

"If you have to pick just one resource for learning copy, The Simple Writing System is it...  The research lessons alone were worth the price... I appreciate how you guys broke down the entire writing process step by step.” 

Carolynn Ananian copywriter

Tap the title that describes you best to find out...




A world-class marketing education - 
at your own pace and in the privacy of your own home.

If you're ambitious, you can plow through the entire program in a few days. Or a few weeks if you've got a lot on your plate.

Considering how much money a single heavy-hitting ad can bring you, I'd say it's worth whatever effort you can put forth.

I'm not kidding when I say this is everything you need to create a legendary BREAK THE INTERNET ad.

This is the formula that had one of my clients stunned in disbelief after he doubled his conversions AND raised his prices:

"FREE Money without ANY extra work!"

"Amazing! My website conversion rate has nearly DOUBLED, just from what you've taught me. And guess what? Following your advice, I tested a much higher price... and the conversion rate was not affected at all. That's FREE MONEY without any extra work!
You were right, John."

Michael Norman,


Michael is not alone here. I have taught this system to thousands of aspiring copywriters and entrepreneurs.

Very few, if anyone, started with anything that resembled "natural talent."

And quite frankly, there were some real chowderheads I nearly gave up on because their writing was such gibberish... (not to name names). Now they are respected marketers and legendary business-builders in their own right.

The Simple Writing System is for anyone who:

     1.) Wants to generate a lot more money and customers for their business.

     2.) Is willing to suspend disbelief, put aside their ego, and put in a tiny amount of effort.

You don't need to be clever or creative to succeed with this program.

Just go through the steps EXACTLY as I've laid them out for you...

... put it together using cut & paste (I'll guide you there as well)

... clean it up a little...

... and BOOM... Your killer ad is ready to ring up sales for you.

Why Self-Confidence is Overrated and Unnecessary

The truth is, no one ever
"feels ready" to take the giant leap as a copywriter or entrepreneur.

With a reliable formula like the Simple Writing System, your success is all but assured, whether you're teeming with confidence... or trembling in terror.

If you follow the steps, the system works... whatever type of business you're in. It has been proven a thousand times over in every industry imaginable, including:

  • Copywriters
  • Freelancers
  • Web designers
  • Internet Marketers
  • Coaches
  • Brick and mortar businesses
  • Lawyers
  • Real Estate agents and more...

The Simple Writing System can even help you market your creative passions.

If you're a writer, musician or other creative type, you don't ever have to worry about being a starving artist again...

Because what you're about to discover can help you turn your dream into a lucrative living...

Just ask Holly Lisle or John Orban.

Holly is a talented fiction writer who dreamed of teaching others to write novels and short stories but struggled to make sales.

The skills she picked up from her training turned that around in a hurry: She made a whopping four times what she needed to save her business.

John owns an online store selling art supplies and painting classes and refers to the SWS system as "Lightning in a Bottle."

John Orban Simple Writing System Student

"This SWS Stuff is Lightning in a Bottle!"

"I've got to say, this SWS stuff is lightning in a bottle! I never even knew this world existed a year ago. I feel like I'm walking with giants! THANK YOU!"


Holly Lisle copywriter

"Then the Sales Started... And Got Faster and Faster!"

"I was up against the wall, out of time, pressed for money, stressed beyond belief. Launch day was March 12. I went live without testimonials because I ran out of time.

Then the sales started... And got faster, and faster.

Thirty-six hours later, my results were four times better than what I needed to dig out of the hole, and twice what I'd hoped for in my best-case scenario. I'm going to be okay. I could not have done this without your help, John. Thank you!"


There are countless stories just like this, from people all over the world. (Check out our Wall of Testimonials at the end of this page if you want to know more.)

Whether you're using a "normal" business model or want to make a lucrative living by following your passion, the Simple Writing System helps turn your dreams into reality. A lot faster than you might think, too.

It gives you everything you need to make the sales flow in...

  • Sales letters
  • Emails
  • Video sales letters
  • Webinars
  • Coaches
  • Content Marketing
  • You name it!

Why you should always use a system in all of your marketing:

I've worked with many marketers and business owners along the way, and I'm shocked at how many think they can throw something together and make it stick.

I've met marketers full of puff and bravado who think they can breeze through by ripping someone else's copy.

I see it all the time. There's a reason people call me the "most ripped-off copywriter on the web. People constantly use my stuff as templates for their own ads.

...Sometimes as inspiration, which is fine.

...Sometimes they copy my ideas nearly word for word, and I have to get after them to knock it off.

But the cold hard truth is:

You'll never, ever write  a 
legendary, record-shattering ad by ripping me or anyone else.

No matter how great your swipe file is... or how spectacular the template you're using... the best you'll ever do is "okay."

And pretty soon, "okay" isn't going to cut it anymore, for two reasons:

1.) Because templates get old and tired in a hurry. By the time you use it, your customer has seen some knock-off of the ad dozens, even hundreds of times.

2.) Every day, the marketplace gets more and more crowded. More and more businesses are fighting each other, trying to reach an ever-shrinking pool of customers.

The good news is: Most of your competitors do NOT know how to write a persuasive ad.

The superior marketing skills you'll discover in the Simple Writing System give you a massive advantage over anyone who is winging it or relying on old, tired templates.

Soon, your head will be crammed with so many original, killer sales ideas, you'll struggle to write them down fast enough.

Here is what happens when you sign up for The Simple Writing System right now:

  • You get instant access inside your own private membership area, so you can start thinking like a veteran marketer now. Inside, you'll find EVERYTHING you need to trigger a fast influx of sales.
  • 18 short, entertaining, and easy-to-digest videos that feed proven marketing principles directly into your brain.
  • Fine tune your copy chops with this fully immersive multimedia experience. You get videos and visuals so you can absorb the information in whatever way you learn the fastest.
  • Writer's block will become ancient history. This is a tested and proven formula that's logical and easy to follow. You'll never feel stuck or unsure what to do next.
  • A comprehensive, done-for-you workbook rushed to you so you can follow along with each video and gain an even deeper understanding of each lesson. Plus, the first three sessions are available digitally, so you don't have to wait for your package to arrive before you dig in.
  • Your workbook contains an invaluable swipe file, dozens of examples of ads that have made millions of dollars and mailed for years. Instant inspiration, whenever you need it.

The Simple Writing System

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.

Only $497

(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)

This "from my brain to yours" formula practically writes the ad for you.

At the touch of a button, you will quickly and effortlessly strengthen every copywriting skill you need to crank out winning controls...

... From attention-grabbing headlines to eye-popping bullets...

... You'll develop riveting storytelling skills that keep the reader glued to every word...

... Plus, you'll know my secret strategies for creating compelling, irresistible offers.

Nothing is left out. Nothing is held back. I have poured my heart and soul into creating this system to help you market your business successfully.

You get every single process, every single thing I do every time I write an ad.

Plus, I've arranged for you to get a slew of valuable bonuses
when you sign up today:

Bonus # 1:

Lifetime Access to ALL SWS Videos and bonuses

None of this nonsense where your course expires after 12 months (like some programs do.) When you sign up, you get INSTANT access, so your ads can start making money fast. Plus, you get FOREVER access to all of the SWS materials.

You can log in immediately and start right away. Then, in a few weeks or months, if you need a refresher, you got it.

Heck, you can log in every day for the next 10 years if you want.

Every time you review the material, your advertising and marketing skills will improve, and so will your sales.

Bonus # 2:

 Advanced SWS Training Programs

The timeless fundamentals of advertising never change, but every platform has its quirks.

Facebook, for example, is great if you want to reach the over 30 crowd.

If your prospect is young and hip, you might reach them on Snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok.

That's what makes this bonus so exciting:

My team is in the process of adding platform SPECIFIC trainings. This lets you apply your SWS skills and reach any audience.

I'm talking about:  

  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Video Marketing (YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, DailyMotion, etc.)
  • Paid Advertising (AdWords and other ad networks)
  • Webinars
  • Opt-In Pages (so you'll capture more qualified leads)
  • Video Sales Letters (VSLs)
  • Email Marketing (to warm up and close your best prospects)
  • Online Retail (Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc.)
  • Blogging & Content Marketing
  • Direct Mail
  • And whatever new and profitable platforms come along next. We'll keep adding new bonus training modules to the SWS member's area. You'll get access to all of them (on top of your lifetime access to all SWS Training Videos.)

By all accounts, this bonus should be an expensive companion product to the Simple Writing System. It's worth at least $500 on its own.

However, if you take me up on this special invitation now, you'll get these new advanced trainings. For FREE. Forever.

Bonus # 3:  

The Best of "SWS Coaching"

The coaching program for the SWS costs $2000 (when it's available, that is.)  Each student gets intensive, one on one instruction from an expert marketer and copywriter.

Now, you get to be a fly on the wall and sit in on the best of these sessions.

... You'll see what traps and disastrous mistakes you must avoid...

... Plus, you'll be on the fast track to writing profitable ads of your own.

Here's a brief "Who's who" of the top
marketers you get to learn from:

David Deutsch… one of the highest paid “A-List” copywriters in the game (who has written controls for the largest direct mail companies in the world).

Kevin Rogers… the writer behind the most outrageously successful launch campaigns in Clickbank and the founder of Copy Chief.

David Garfinkel... the author of #1 Amazon bestseller Breakthrough Copywriting and the host of the Copywriters Podcast.

Lorrie Morgan… who has been a dominant female freelance copywriter for many years.

Chris Haddad… whose selling prowess has landed him on the Rachael Ray television show.

“Million Dollar” Mike Morgan... whose copy has sold over $300,000,000 in goods and services, including multiple controls for Agora, the billion-dollar direct-response marketing behemoth.

Dr Harlan Kilstein… who has been a highly-paid and much sought-after pioneer in Internet marketing for dozens of niches.

You'll see how these top coaches guide their students through every exercise. It's almost like having a world-class coach yourself!

Bonus # 4:

"Power Words Special Report"

Sometimes, a single word is all it takes to dramatically boost sales and conversions.

That's why I use action-packed verbs as much as possible to turn my ads into a slippery, greased slide - impossible to ignore... impossible to resist.

I sat down one day and scoured through ALL of my top producing ads to compile this list of power words and phrases that command attention.

"Power Words" is by far the most requested report I've ever written.

Insert a few of these gems during your editing process, and watch your conversions go through the roof.

And I'm not even done yet... I've saved the best for last:

Bonus # 5: 

A whole month's membership in the "Marketing Rebel Insider's Club."

Within the club, you'll find everything you need to turn your business into a powerhouse of profit, including:

A series of timeless marketing principles and strategies:
Trends and fads come and go, but these tactics work no matter what. In the MRIC, you'll be immersed in the solid sales and marketing principles that have made fortunes for business owners for years.

Access to a treasure trove that's better than a swipe file:
Anytime you need a hit of inspiration, check out the ad commentaries within your membership portal. Not only will you have full access to some of the most profitable ads in history, but you'll get my insights on them. I'll point out the critical elements that made them so successful and show you how to adapt them to your own marketing.

Unlimited expert advice on any aspect of your business:
Got questions about hiring, software, designing a website, building an email list, or anything else? Just post it to our chatroom. One of our seasoned experts will get back to you lickety-split.

Scuttlebutt Sessions with Certifiable Marketing Geniuses:
Listen to these interviews with some of the best business minds on the planet and soak up their infinite marketing wisdom by osmosis. Gary Halbert, Joe Sugarman, Joe Polish, Robert Pierce are just a few of the experts caught on tape.

Your chance to win a free $2500 Hot Seat:
Every month, my partner and SWS co-creator, Stan Dahl and I, choose a member for a hot seat. We tear apart every aspect of your business so you can come back stronger than ever. Your sales and ads will sizzle once we are finished holding your feet to the flames. If you wanted to buy a hot seat, it would set you back $2500 and be worth every penny. However, if we choose you, it's free. Plus, all members have access to the hot seats, so you can learn from them every single month.

Your MRIC membership will help you breeze through the toughest marketing challenges and help make your business stronger and more profitable every month.

The Simple Writing System

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.

Only $497

(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)

Are you three weeks away from a Record-Breaking Surge in Sales?

Look, I can't pretend to know what you're thinking right now. But if you're like any of my previous students, you might be worried that you don't have time for the Simple Writing Course.

I have two things to say about that:

1.Nothing, absolutely nothing, will transform your life or business more than learning to write compelling copy. It's well worth getting up a half-hour early or skipping Netflix for one night a week.

2.You do have time because you can squeak it in whenever and wherever you have a few minutes to spare.

The course is 100% online, which means class is whenever you want it to be. If you have to skip a day here and there because life gets in the way, no problem. The Simple Writing System was designed for busy people, to work around your schedule.

Some people started off so broke they thought they couldn't afford the program. Others, (like Joshua Maher), managed to make back their entire investment and then some before they even finished the course.

I was made redundant from my job the day after I signed up for Simple Writing System with John - and it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Within a few days of taking this course, it was clear I never had to apply for another 9-5 position again.

After the SWS and John's coaching (and sometimes... outright slaps upside the head), I've now got the tools to write a winning sales message ingrained in me.

Success in my freelance copywriting career - and happiness in life - will all come back to what I learned from John.

That's not an overstatement... there's a reason he's referred to as "the best copywriting teacher on the planet."

I immediately started putting what I learned into practice, earning thousands of dollars before I was even finished the course.

The price of entry is literally a bargain for the transformation that will occur in your writing and business.

If you're serious about taking your copywriting skills up to the level of "scary good", I can't recommend the Simple Writing System Coaching Program enough.

I've had people tell me they were afraid they couldn't hack it. They "felt ridiculous" for even trying... but now, they're living their dreams as professional writers or entrepreneurs and having the time of their lives.

And now it's your turn.

You can get started right this instant for just one payment of $477, or $99 if you take advantage of our payment plan.

You don't risk anything by giving the Simple Writing System a shot, because you're protected by our...


The way it works is simple.

As soon as we get your order, you'll be given a private membership area with your username and password, so no one can access your content but you.

You have 30 days to check everything out. You can do the entire course if you want to, plus take advantage of all of the bonuses.

If, within 30 days, you haven't been able to come up with at least one winning idea for your own killer ad, then send our support a quick email, return your workbook (in ANY condition), and we'll promptly refund every penny of your order.

There is just one condition:

I have absolute confidence this program is going to rack up sales like you have never seen before... IF you at least try.

If you never log in or never crack the book open, I obviously can't help you.

So, to get your refund, you MUST have at least made an effort.

A tiny effort is all it takes. I want to see at least a scribble in the first two exercises of your workbook. This tells me you opened the book and read a bit of the material.

As soon as you dive in, here is what will happen at lightning speed:

  • You'll know in a heartbeat if the market you're in has potential...
  • You'll gain an even deeper insight into your prospect's desires, fears, and frustrations that let you sell like crazy...
  • You'll uncover features and benefits of your product that you haven't even dreamed of...
  • Your bullets will sizzle and your headlines will captivate...

If ANY of that doesn't happen, then email support to get every penny refunded to you.

Sound fair?

Then let's get started.  Just click on the order button below and grab your spot.

I’ll look for you in our ridiculously long (and still growing) list of testimonials.

Stay frosty…

John Carlton

P.S. – Are you asking yourself these 3 questions?

Q1: Will this work for me?

If I wasn’t 100% sure that the answer is “Yes!”, I wouldn’t be offering you a 100% money-back guarantee.

It does not matter what kind of product you sell… high- or low-priced… physical product or digital download… something for the mass market or just for a specialty niche…

… what you are about to learn gives you a repeatable system that will be in your “Success Toolkit” for the rest of your career.

You will finally know what the best marketers in the world know about writing the strongest and most results-getting sales messages possible.

No one can ever take this skill away from you.

You will never again be at the mercy of anyone else for the most important part of your business:

The communication you have with your prospects, persuading them to buy.

Learning this system gives you total independence.

And even if you DO hire someone else to write for you…

… you will know EXACTLY what you need written…

… and how it should BE written.

So you will, essentially, be a freelance writer’s worst nightmare…

… because he will be forced to do his very best work for you, every time.

Because you know.

Because you, like the other successful marketers whose stories you see on this page…

… are finally clued-in to how great sales messages get created.

Q2: Can I learn this?

Over 1,000 folks have been through the Simple Writing System. They came from every kind of situation you can imagine.  Rookies, veteran business owners, it doesn’t matter.

The system works.

This is not like high school or even college.

This is, instead, simple yet advanced education for adults — adults who finally want to learn how to produce sales and results like the best marketers out there.

We’re going to gently force-feed into your brain…

… these simple step-by-step keys to finally understanding how and why selling works.

And we’ll do this by actually getting you to DO it.

This is not about getting critiques or reviews of your current materials. You can do that yourself, once you know what’s needed and what’s missing.

No… this program is about the freedom to go where you want to go with your marketing. As effectively as the best marketers out there.

This program is about creating everything you need now, and everything you’ll need as your business grows. Forever.

Why would you give into to the nonsensical belief that you “can’t do this”?

Of course you CAN do this.

The proof is all over this site.  Just glance at their stories.

Others did it, often with less brains and more obstacles than you face today.

You can learn this…

  • No matter what market you’re in (or how new you are in this market).
  • No matter what your dreams are.
  • And no matter HOW you define “success”.

You can fit this entire course into your current schedule, with just a few brief sessions each week.

You are not "too busy" to fit this in.

We tell folks that just eliminating one or two TV shows you’ve been watching...

... opens up more than enough time each week to get the whole system completed.

You can resume your TV addiction AFTER learning this system, if you like.

Many students have completed it in a long weekend. They just sat down and went through all of it, and GOT it.

Others squeezed it in – easily — with just a few hours a night, a few nights a week, or even over their lunch hour.

The thing is... it’s completely up to you.

You go at YOUR own pace. At whatever kind of schedule works for you...

... or even no schedule at all, if you want to just dive in when you have some time each week.

You don’t have to be anywhere to listen to any scheduled webinars, ever. All the lessons, and all the interaction happen when you choose.

Q3: Can you teach me?

If you are willing to learn… I know I can.

Take a look at the wall of testimonials on this page. You’ll find success stories from some of the top marketers of the past 20 years, and people just like you.

I’ve broken everything down into simple, easy-to-master chunks for you.

Having this simple formula plugged into your brain makes every writing task faster, easier and TONS more profitable than just “winging it”…

… because you suddenly know exactly what to do at each step. Bang, bang, bang, and you’ve got the sales message you need.

How DO you define success?

Some folks define success as earning more money.

Or maybe you want a thriving, long-term business model.

Or you may want more free time.

Or you may want to dominate your niche market, and crush your competition while becoming the top dog.

Well, this is how it all gets done. Quickly, and simply…

… once you finally understand how to create the critical sales messages needed to get the results you crave.

Success in business is going to come down to your ability to produce sales. Without that, you’re toast.

So let’s fix that, starting right now.

Now, if you’re ready for the ride of your life to begin, it’s your turn.

P.S. – Are you asking yourself any of these 3 questions?  (Click each to expand.)

FAQ 1: Will this work for me?

FAQ 2: Can I learn this?

FAQ 3: Can you teach me?

The Simple Writing System

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.

Only $497

(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)

What Are Others Saying About John Carlton and The Simple Writing System?

I was made redundant from my job the day after I signed up for Simple Writing System with John - and it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Within a few days of taking this course, it was clear I never had to apply for another 9-5 position again.

After the SWS and John's coaching (and sometimes... outright slaps upside the head), I've now got the tools to write a winning sales message ingrained in me.

Success in my freelance copywriting career - and happiness in life - will all come back to what I learned from John.

That's not an overstatement... there's a reason he's referred to as "the best copywriting teacher on the planet."

I immediately started putting what I learned into practice, earning thousands of dollars before I was even finished the course.

The price of entry is literally a bargain for the transformation that will occur in your writing and business.

If you're serious about taking your copywriting skills up to the level of "scary good", I can't recommend the Simple Writing System Coaching Program enough.

Michael RichesonMichael RichesonNewberg, OR

"Brought in more than a dozen high-ticket members ($4,000+ each)."

"I read "Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets" a few months ago. It was so good I bought the Simple Writing System course. A couple weeks ago I had a chance to put it all together for a client of mine. Using what learned, I wrote a Facebook ad, a 3,000-word sales letter, and an email sequence.

The ad finished with a 6 percent CTR, the sales letter had a nearly 30 percent completion rate, and the email sequence (so far) has brought in more than a dozen high-ticket members ($4,000+ each). All from a $150 ad spend.

No way I could've pulled that off without John’s book and course. Thanks for all the valuable info!"

Kevin Hill

$340,000 in 7 Days

"I started working for internet marketer Russell Brunson as a full-time copywriter and had only written a handful of letters up until that point. He asked me to write a sales letter for our 12-Month Internet Millionaire launch -- my first major launch. I was a little nerved up and repeatedly referred to John's course for guidance while writing the letter. Thanks to implementing the quick-start copywriting secrets John revealed in his course, the letter ended up pulling in $340,000 in 7 days.

If you remotely care about becoming a better copywriter and marketer, you need to get your hands on John's materials before your competition does."

Chris McCombsChris

Earning a High Six-Figures Annually Online

"Before I discovered John Carlton I had NO IDEA how to write good copy... and I'll admit I was pretty skeptical about investing in his programs because it just didn't seem possible that I would be able to influence people with print like John does.

Well let me tell you that John's teachings have not only helped me increase conversions by over 511%, but John has been one of the backbones to me earning a high six-figures annually online.

Not only do I use John's strategies in my sales copy and videos, but his tactics have also helped me develop a cult-like following on my blog, making my blog the #1 blog AND website in the world in my niche where I'm able to get as many as 8039 visitors to my blog in one day all from free traffic sources... THAT is the power of the influential writing tactics John showed me how to do.

I love waking up and seeing all the money roll in my bank account... even while I'm off doing whatever the hell it is I want to do"

Andreea GradAndreea GradPortland, Oregon

30% more business in the last few months!

"What I learned in the Simple Writing System will help me build multiple streams of profits for years to come. I now feel I can truly make more money, create products that sell and attract more clients for my growing business. In fact, I can write my own ads which have brought in 30% more business locally in the last few months. I am so grateful for it. Thank you from my heart."

Jimmy ParentJimmy ParentBaltimore, MD

I spent 8 weeks under John Carlton's torturous coaching in the SWS Coaching Program... and all I got from it was a quadrupled income. (And better sex, a perfect golf swing, the ability to use military combat strategies to steal rubber guns from unsuspecting assailants...) PLUS: Agora flying me to Baltimore in 2 weeks to talk about a writing job.

John OrbanJohn

I’ve got to say, this SWS stuff is lightning in a bottle! I never even knew this world existed a year ago. I feel like I’m walking with giants! THANK YOU!

Chris HaddadChris Haddad"Mr. Moneyfingers"

"Hi. As I write this I'm richer than I ever thought I'd be, happier than I have any right to be . . . and have somehow become one of those "famous" copywriters who gets talked about on message boards, who's building a information business of my own that should hit 7-figures next year, and who's every letter and sales video gets mercilessly ripped off.

And it’s all John Carlton's fault."

[Disclosure: Chris's business did hit 7-figures. He's been a trusted associate for many years as well as a Simple Writing System instructor.]

Ken GlickmanKen GlickmanFormer Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Boardroom, Inc.

"Great copywriters are proven because consumers vote with their money. That's why guys like John Carlton are so expensive, and so valuable. This is seriously important information for your business. There are only a handful of writers in John's league. I read his book as soon as I got my hands on it."

Kamron KaringtonKamron

$25 Per Minute!

"John, I made over $25 per minute using JUST your "power words" list. Increased click-throughs by 107%, and stuffed $10,500 in my pocket while sipping my morning coffee, using your tactics to rewrite some lame headlines for a client."

The Simple Writing System

  • 18 Video Lessons. Available on-line 24/7/365. Lifetime access.
  • Short, laser-focused exercises. You'll learn sales copy by writing sales copy.
  • The SWS Workbook. 300+ pages. Your notes are done for you.
  • “How To Apply The SWS” bonus training programs. Lifetime access to new lessons.
  • The Best of SWS Coaching. Learn from some of the top marketers and trainers in the biz.
  • My original, uncensored "Power Words" Report. This will immediately juice up the result-getting mojo of everything you write.
  • A free month of full membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. Member Hot Seats, daily Q&A, and dozens of marketing training videos and swipe files.

Only $497

(or take advantage of our payment plan and get started for just $99 today)
